20 Things to do when Stuck at Home: There are a lot of things to do in quarantine that can make your gloomy days better.
And I will be sharing them with you here! I swear these will keep you sane because I have been doing a lot of these and it is my quarantine day 14 and I am alive and not really frustrated (or just a little bit today).
Table of Content
1- Declutter
Okay, so we are looking for some massive changes in our routine and trust me when I say, this situation is going to last for a month at least. So, get geared up.
And the best way to start changing your routine is to declutter. You can never recharge your energy or make massive changes in your life with a lot of clutter around you.
I am a proud OCD but you can go through several studies that suggest you to declutter your area before you study or work, to stay motivated and be reproductive too.
Studies show us that clutter messes up your mind and makes you frustrated too. It also presses your creativity and productivity which never lets you be energetic or in a positive vibe.
Thus, I would suggest you start your quarantine phase by decluttering your space.
Throw away the things that aren’t meaningful or useful anymore and keep the stuff that is beneficial for you or you are actually using it. This will also create a lot of space for you to rearrange your things in a better way.
2- Rearrange your room
Speaking of which, you get another idea right there! Rearrange your room and if you have the skills, then renovate it. Change your bed’s position and shift your books. Add a painting or two to a wall.
In a lockdown, you might not be able to buy paintings; so if you are good at art, you can make some. Or just simply rearrange your room and you will feel amazing.
3- Create Art
If you are good at arts and crafts or maybe you are just a DIY person, then this is the time to unleash your creativity. Make art! Now art is not just confined to a canvas or paintings. All you need is paper and a pencil and you can create art in any form. Maybe art for you is hidden in a camera.
You don’t need a DSLR for unleashing the photographer in you. Bring your aesthetics to work and take pictures of different areas of your house. Capture them with your aesthetic sense or just take pictures of anything you love. Speaking of which, you can make an album of those pictures, tagging them as “quarantine memory lane.”
4- Pick a sport
You can play any sports indoor even basketball.
Staying active is super important during this time. You don’t want to sit on your couch, stressing over the news and eat every hour. You are going to get out of shape and the bad fat will build up and cause a lot of stress too.
Therefore, pick a sport you like. It can be as simple as badminton or table tennis or maybe basketball. You can even skip a rope for half an hour to stay active and energetic. Try to pick sports that you can play indoors, so you don’t have to leave the house. Or you can play it in your garage with your masks on. Just don’t step out of that gate and you are good to go.
5- Indoor Games
Now obviously you cannot just rely on an hour of playing badminton outside. You need a little entertainment indoors too. Well, I guess you need a lot of things to do indoors because one day you might be decluttering and the other day, you want something else. This is human nature!
So, find indoor games. I love making puzzles but sadly, my country went into lockdown and I couldn’t get myself any new ones. But I am still making the old ones, after ages. This is because I never got time to sit down and do something that really made me happy. So now I am doing it. You can also play chess or scrabble.
6- Workout
I might sound crazy because all you want at this moment is comfort food. It is as if comfort food understands you being emotional and worried right now. I have been there. I never thought I would start working out during the quarantine because it is a stressful time. But guess what? I did! This might also sound cliche but working out really energizes you. You feel a different kind of high and that is great because you want positivity during this time. It is my 12th day that I am working out and it feels the best part out of the entire day.
I feel like after a month (once this ends), I will be able to have that wonderful and balanced body that i always wanted. You can easily find amazing online tutorials for beginner workouts and they demonstrate the exercises really well. Start with something basic and easy for 15-20 minutes and then you can gradually perk up. Also, you don’t want to lose a good body (if you have it). So better maintain it?
7- Learn a New Skill
Thanks to the internet, we have a ton of tutorials and articles which let us learn new skills. You can learn new software like Illustrator or Photoshop. Or you can learn a new language too. If you love doing art and crafts then you can look up for tutorials to create anything you want to.
8- Binge-watch Netflix
It is like a dream come true for a lot of people. Sadly I am not one of those but I make sure that I watch a movie every week or maybe twice. If you love binge-watching movies or seasons then this is time. You have no early morning lectures and no job to attend. You can simply tune into Netflix and have the time of your life which you don’t get every other day.
Yes, this is a very bad time to think about this but we all want to feel less stressed out and just relax. If you love watching movies then this is a good time to just sit back and watch the movies or seasons which were lined up and you never watched those.
9- Cook and Bake and Repeat
If you love cooking then bring on that recipe wish list that has been lying around for a long time. Now is the time to unleash the cook in you! The same is for baking. I love baking and I tried making molten lava cake at home and damn, it was so tasty. I also tried molten lava brownies and they turned out pretty cool too. I am also planning to make orange chicken spaghetti or chow mein at home.
Aren’t you feeling hungry now? Well, because I am?! Anyways, if you are good at cooking or baking then now is the time to cook some of the best meals for yourself. You are going to enjoy this a lot. Even if you have never cooked before I suggest that this is a good time to do the things you never did. Maybe, you are great at it? Give it a try!
10- Read
If you are a bookworm like me, you will know and understand the pain of not being able to read the books that are just lying on the shelf for so long. You hoard books but your daily life routine doesn’t let you endeavor a lot of them. Now is the time dear child. Read all the books that you have been waiting to read.
I am reading Mark Manson’s Everything is Fuc*ed right now. I just ended Holly Bourne’s, Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes. It was amazing! And Mark Manson is, as usual, the best realist writer that you can read to get a reality check.
11- Practice Gratitude
You can only practice gratitude, in its full form, when things are not really going well. This is the best time to make your habit. These are extremely hard times for all of us. But remember, that being indoors and being healthy are the most important things in life right now. Every day, you are getting to experience new sunshine. You are living, you are breathing and you are surrounded by people who love you; your parents and siblings. Even if you live alone, you know that there is hope at the end of this tunnel.
Practicing gratitude will help you look at the brighter side of this situation. You can make a gratitude list every day and write down the things you are grateful for. For example, I am grateful for being healthy today.
I am grateful for being able to sit and laugh and have a good time with my family when thousands of people are dying and they cannot bid farewell to their loved ones either. I am grateful that it was a sunny day because I love the sun as it brings in hope.
I am also grateful that I didn’t lose my mind today and stayed positive. And the list can go on. But you see? There is so much that you can be thankful for at the moment instead of complaining to turn your day around. Do practice this! Make it a necessity during this time and you will experience a wonderful change.
12- Self-care
This is not just girl specific. Boys can indulge in any form of self-care too. I don’t know why this term is so specifically dedicated to women. Nah, Nah! guys, take a long steam shower and moisturize your face. Build those muscles if you think that it is equivalent to taking care of yourself. Take care of your hair and dress well to feel good.
Girls can make their nails and put that mask on to hydrate their skin. Try an at-home manicure and pedicure session. Also, drink fresh juices and soak in the sunlight.
13- Fix your Garden
It is time to pay attention to your garden too. Take care of your plants and water them regularly. throw away the wilted plants because they tend to ruin the growing ones as well. This is a really good time to experiment with your gardening skills. If you are not good at gardening; give it a try and learn how to grow plants. It is creative and will keep you occupied for an hour easily.
14- Don’t forget your friends and family
Quarantine doesn’t mean that you have to forget your friends and family. You can always keep in contact with them and you should.
Skype, facetime and a bunch of messengers have made it super easy to connect with your friends and family. I Facetime my sisters daily because I miss them so much. It makes me feel better.
15- Dye your hair
Now is a good time to dye your hair! If it looks good; that is amazing. You can redo it after quarantine again. And if it doesn’t; well, nobody saw it, did they? I think you should experiment with your look during this time. It is really fun and it will also make you feel excited and less stressful.
16- Do not watch A LOT of news
Yes, it is good to stay updated but do not watch a lot of news because it will only freak you out. I did the same for 2 days and then I realised that I was stressing myself a lot. Therefore, I decided to watch the news headlines once per day or just check in with the virus stats by the end of each day.
This keeps me sane. Also, we know that this situation is here to stay for a good amount of time, so why go bonkers over one thing over and over? My suggestion is to avoid watching news all the time and be productive elsewhere.
17- Rearrange your Lounge
We usually don’t do much with our lounge because well, it requires a lot of time and effort. But now is a good time to rearrange it. Maybe you can paint it a different color too if you are good at painting walls. Or just try rearranging the furniture and moving some things out of it. Minimal style lounges are really rending and they make your home look chic too. So it is certainly the best time to give your drawing room or lounge a quick and stylish makeover.
18- Sleep
What else can be a better time killer? But well, this one is essential for staying healthy. Doctors recommend eating healthy and sleeping for at least 7 hours daily so that your immune system remains strong. You don’t want to weaken your body and head out, only to get the virus.
Thus, stay strong and take adequate amounts of sleep. My sleep cycle was a mess at the beginning of the quarantine but I am gradually bringing it back to normal. You will also notice that when you do different productive and creative tasks throughout the day, you will sleep in peacefully too. Sitting idle all day will make it harder to fall asleep during the night.
19- Clean your Phone Gallery and Camera
I have done this and it feels good. I have cleaned my DSLR SD card and I have also deleted all the unnecessary photos from my phone gallery. It might not seem big but for someone like me, photo galleries are best cleaned and sorted out.
Try it and you will love your gallery and camera too. You can also clean your laptop from all the unwanted stuff that has been lying there for a long time now.
20- Try switching to a Healthy Lifestyle
I think this is the perfect time to switch to healthy eating because we are not visiting restaurants and there is no way to get fast food at home right now.
Even if some restaurants like McDonalds are offering it; not a lot of people are up for eating it.
So look up for some good and healthy recipes and try them out at home.
Combine it with a good workout session and you can make some significant changes in your lifestyle during this time.