What happens when a Scorpio woman is done with you?

What happens when a Scorpio woman is done with you?: Dating a Scorpio, especially a woman under the zodiac sign, is as frustrating -at times- as it is exciting. The sign is known famous for being reserved and elusive, and for most of us -who, realistically, can’t read minds- it might be really hard to decide whether something is wrong or they are simply in one of their moods.

So, if you’re here because your Scorpio woman has been acting on the edge lately and you’re worried they’re done with you and this relationship, we’ll tell you whether that’s the case or not.

If your Scorpio woman is done with you a very common sign is them insulting you or being increasingly sarcastic, with the pretense of it being ‘teasing”.

Other examples may include: they start nitpicking on every little mistake you make and refuse to let things go, they become increasingly controlling and moody, lashing out and doing things to humiliate and embarrass you.

Many of these signs may seem a bit exaggerated, however, their intensity entirely depends on what the trigger to them was, so you should look out for that too.

5 Main Signs a Scorpio woman is done with you:

Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac.

Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign.

In fact, Scorpio is a water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm.

Like fellow water signs, Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is extremely clairvoyant and intuitive.

Signs a Scorpio woman is done with you

Scorpio is represented by a glyph.

A glyph is a curved M with an outwards pointing arrow at one end.

The curves of Scorpio’s glyph symbolize the grounded nature of the sign, ending in an upward-turned arrow, symbolizing the need for action and the striving for something higher.

So, now that we’re finally done the crash course in understanding your Scorpio woman and you’re better able to perceive any signs they throw your way, let’s give you a hand in discerning them:

1- She shows Constant Sarcasm:

Sarcasm woman

One of the first things to go when a Scorpio woman is done with you is her respect for you. When she decides to end the relationship, she will repeatedly belittle you and excuse it as sarcasm — even in public.

A Scorpio will have no problems making you feel small in front of other people and make you feel like an inconvenience.

In fact, she may even tell you that you are being too sensitive in an attempt to put the blame on you.

All of these are clear, astrology-based signs that there are some unexpressed problems between the two of you.

2- She will become Vengeful


If you behaved in a manner that caused the Scorpio woman in your life to feel harmed, then you can be certain that she will respond in kind.

However, her actions will be done with the intention to cause you emotional or social harm. Should you have chosen to embarrass or humiliate her, then you can expect her actions will be much worse.

She will also get back at you in other ways, including by embarrassing you in public or intentionally leaving you out of the loop so that you look foolish in front of other people.

3- She will become Over controlling:

Controlling woman

Scorpio women may also become controlling, trying to micromanage every aspect of their relationships and your life.

Unless you’ve wronged her severely, she may have second thoughts about ending the relationship with you, and this doubt will lead her to stay in a relationship in which she isn’t content.

In other words, she’ll have a hard time making up her mind. If this is the case, she’ll want the relationship to be totally on her terms, despite the in-feasibility of this on your part.

The idea is that she can stay secure until a better opportunity arises, while possibly even being happier in the relationship.

4- She won’t forgive easy:

Unforgiving woman

As you learn about what happens when a Scorpio woman is done with you, it is likely that you will find that she will become hostile at your slightest mistakes or accidents.

If you fail at meeting a goal, then she may choose to abuse you.

Of course, if you make the decision to cheat on her, then you can expect that your relationship will be permanently changed.

Such behaviors will likely cause her to seek external relationships, and she may choose to hold your previous infidelities over your head.

5- She will become Volatile:

Angry woman

A Scorpio woman may also feel the need to become inordinately angry towards you.

She will be moody all the time, frustrated by your actions and by her inability to leave the relationship.

Compared to what she was when the two of you started dating, she may seem like a different person.

Often, it will be as if your Scorpio woman simply wants to find something to be angry about.

This is a bad sign for you.

Things that put off Scorpio woman:

Things You Should Remind Yourself Every Day

You are, at this point, well aware of the psyche of a Scorpio woman in a relationship and what she wants you to do.

But what are the things you should not do (also, the ones you probably did to make them done with you). Make sure to not repeat these in the future:


Women born under the zodiac sign Scorpio are all about progress—and they want their partner to be about progress, too.

Therefore, if you are complacent in your work and home life, there’s a good chance you are putting her off and this could be a possibility the Scorpio woman is done with you.

Simply put, she’s not looking for relationships with someone with no career aspirations or greater life ambitions. Ideally, a Scorpio wants someone who can find a balance between work and home, making time for both her and a successful career.

If you show signs of laziness, then, it could be a deal-breaker.

Flippancy (about the relationship):

She doesn’t want any superficial and temporary flings so that she can pass the time.

With her passionate and intense personality, she will become very attached and possessive of her man right from the very beginning.

She may not fully understand or master her emotions, but she knows well enough that she desires a long-standing sense of belonging.

She can bring you in the hellish depths of disillusion and then resurrect you like a phoenix to the pleas of paroxysmal pleasures with just a gesture.

Love, affection, imagination and courage, you will have to possess all of these and more to match her pace.


A Scorpio woman or a Scorpio man wishes to be with someone who is outgoing and can hold a conversation. Shyness is not cute for this zodiac sign.

Instead, she’ll take it as an inability to express yourself and get things done.

The best way to please her is to be able to know when to take the lead and have a clear idea of where you are going and what you are aiming for.

In other words, give her something to be excited about and get to know her more.


If you’ve broken up with a Scorpio and it’s your fault, the best thing to do is honestly admit it.

But don’t make the mistake of ever pleading or groveling with this star sign.

If you make a victim of yourself, most Scorpios will take full advantage of it to push you around and lose all respect for you in the process.

If you can’t win a Scorpio over by fighting your corner fair and square, it’s far better just to give up.

How to get your Scorpio back? (If it’s even possible):

Get your woman back

We’re done with the main part of the article, and you’ve concluded that your Scorpio woman is, indeed, done with you.

So, what happens now?

What’s the bottom line?

Which of the above signs mean things are salvageable and which mean that it’s healthier to just end things?

  • Sarcasm: Attempts to push back on her constant criticism could lead to the dissolution of your relationship, as she blames you for being rude and a problem starter. Unfortunately, this is often the best route when a relationship reaches this stage, as it is extremely hard to earn back her respect or her love.
  • Vengefulness: Scorpios will even go as far as to destroy your existing relationships so that you are left with nothing. If your relationship gets to this point, the safest bet for all parties is simply a clean break. Simply put, when a Scorpio woman gets like this, all signs are trending negatively for you—and it’s better to just give up and cut your losses.
  • Control: While this sounds bad, it actually leaves an opening for you. If a Scorpio has doubts about the relationship ending, you can use this to show her again while you are the right person for her life. Make sure to capitalize on this positive sign if you feel that you have the chance to rekindle any lost love.
  • Unforgiving: She may not realize what she is doing at first, but she won’t care even if she does. In fact, Scorpios may enjoy abusing you this way—a sure sign that your relationship is over.
  • Anger: In this case, you can be positive that your Scorpio partner has some underlying issues with your relationship—and with you. Whether you can resolve those issues and win your Scorpio lady back is up to your unique history together and current circumstances, though you can almost count on the relationship ending if you were disloyal to her in the past

Scorpio women in relationships:

Scorpio women in relationships

Now that you know how to tell and what to do if things go sour between you and your Scorpio woman, let’s give you a deeper look into their psyche in relationships.

This will help you understand just how things came to be the way they are:

Her psyche:

what is confidence, really?

In a relationship, no matter what she may display, the Scorpio woman doesn’t like routine and things that are set in stone.

She wants to live her own life, following her style and where the deepest emotions are hiding.

She’s straightforward and daring with her emotions, never hesitating to put herself out there.

Oh, and one must step up their seduction game because she’s expecting a lot.

Her relationships are always going to extremes, at least inside her mind and her heart.

Even if she is well taught to hide how she feels, she will accumulate every emotion she’s ever had and end relationships for reasons that can’t seem to be explained.

The main goal for any partner of hers should be to find the way to communicate without words.

She needs to be felt instead of heard, and listening to her shouldn’t be an issue with words as sharp as knives most of the time.

She can be possessive, but she will never ask for things she isn’t prepared to give back.

If you want someone to remain faithful to you until death, you will have to fulfill her needs and show her you belong to her as much as you want her to belong to you.


Women who are nerds

Everyone can learn about sexuality from this woman.

Her sexuality is something that defines her, and it needs to go as deep as her heart is prepared to go.

There is nothing easy or light here, and her sexual experiences need to be passionate and spontaneous, yet thoughtful, interesting, and yet an important part of her routine, satisfying and yet giving.

Even though this might seem like a true challenge for any partner, she is very easily pleased and simply needs someone to love her and respect her desires, for she has no problem with having initiative to create whatever she needs herself.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, it is very hard to find out when a Scorpio woman is done with you and wants to break up, however, some surefire signs are them being either distant or downright nasty.

It depends entirely on which case you’re dealing with, in order to see whether you can (or should) get them back.

Preventing any or all this, is also ridiculously hard, but then, you signed up for this when you decided to date them.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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