Best Philosophy Podcasts For Beginners

Best Philosophy Podcasts For Beginners: Podcasts are a means of entertainment to some, while educational, therapeutic, and simply something to absorb wisdom to others. While talking about some captivating philosophy podcasts, we cannot skip over the aspect of perception and opinion, what philosophy is basically all about.

Someone summed up philosophy with a simple quote:

Knowing that tomato is a fruit is knowledge, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad, and philosophy is wondering whether ketchup is a smoothie.

Have you ever been struck by the thought of finding out your sole purpose in life?

Wondered whether it is the wind waving the flag or is it the flag-waving itself along with the wind? Who it was that put the alphabet in alphabetical order?

Or maybe even if it is the S or C that is silent in Scent?

If even a single one of the above questions forced a trail of thought across your mind then you’re probably going to enjoy our list of the top ten philosophy podcasts.

The Philosophy Guy

The Philosophy Guy

If you are more into movies, TV shows, and books and try to grasp on to certain reactions and wise words expand your perspective then ‘The Philosophy Guy’ is the perfect podcast for you to start with. This podcast is a mix of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality.

It dives deep to trigger insightful ideas.

The fact that it revolves around books, movies, and public figures of our time gives you a much more affiliated understanding.

A very compelling factor to put this podcast on the top of the list is how accepting it makes it to disagree, respecting the first totem of philosophy, “At the end of the argument you may not agree with me and I may not agree with you but we both will have had quite a lot to learn”

Episodes: 78

Duration: 30min- 1h 30min Episodes.

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History Of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

history of philosophy

An engaging tour of the history of philosophy given by Professor Peter Adamson of the King’s College London unwinds the thoughts of great minds like Plato, Socrates, John Locke, and many others.

This is a perfect beginning for an unquenchable thirst to know about the past, dive deep into the concepts behind some of the greatest philosophers, and how much of an impact those philosophies have on our lives today.

These podcasts not only bring to life the fascinating lifeworks of major philosophy figures but also blossoms the less-known minds.

It covers a versatile history in a humorous, intriguing, and responsive set of short episodes that never fail to latch on to the thoughts in your daily life.

Professor Peter Adamson has also made available this amazing podcast in a series of books based on the podcast to present a thorough history of philosophy, making it more enjoyable and lively than ever before.

Episodes: 300

Duration: 20min-30min Episodes.

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The Philosopher’s Zone

The Philosopher’s Zone

It is a weekly radio broadcast presented by David Rutledge on ABC National Radio. The 30min episodes philosophize the present conditions of the world by answering some of the most common questions in ways that we do not usually think about.

The warm broadcast glides you through some common and yet strange questions of religion, metaphysics, logic, science, and equality.

The broadcast is made available as podcasts regularly to be your ultimate companion through the day, the engaging content that unwinds history and politics catch the attention and interest of just about anyone.

This podcast is about and for the people for whom asking the questions that have a dim view from society is the most orthodox hobby.

Episodes: 50

Duration: 30min Episodes

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Very Bad Wizards

Very Bad Wizards

Very bad wizards are a podcast by a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a Psychologist (David Pizzaro) that continuously finds the common grounds between philosophy and psychology.

Philosophy and Psychology grasp the mind in ways quite similar and then quite different, which gives the podcast its most cherished quality of “Occasional Agreement”.

The lively and compelling conversations by Tamler and David are engaging enough to eavesdrop on whenever you get the chance.

The key intent of morality is not a hard and fast bound for the podcasts as it covers a plethora of common questions to ponder over and features a union of knowledge, clash of opinions, and food for thought in every aired episode.

It is an intellectual podcast that triggers your cycle of thought throughout the day and leaves you wondering about some very common concepts that usually slides by your attention.

Episodes: 189

Duration: 1h 40min Episodes

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Point Of Inquiry

Point Of Inquiry

One of the longest airing podcasts, if not “The” longest, Point of inquiry is a stage set for the some of the brightest minds of our time to converse over topics that are both sacred and profane.

Hosted by Leighann Lord and James Underdown, the podcast feature intellectual guests being interviewed on the altars of science, philosophy, literacy, current affairs, and public policy.

Being consistently ranked among the best podcasts of science on iTunes, it enjoys a large community of followers where like-minded people as you and I get an opportunity to voice their thoughts and engage in meaningful conversations.

Point of inquiry is the most valued podcast for the Center of Inquiry and a radio broadcast with over 200 free podcasts available on iTunes.

Episodes: 300 Episodes

Duration: 40min-1h Episodes


Hi-Phi Nation

Hi-Phi Nation

Hi-Phi nation is broadcasted, written, and produced by Barry Lam, who holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy for the Princeton University and former general manager at KUCI 88.9 FM.

There have been plaudits for the podcasts at Indiewire, Guardian, Huffington Post, and many other platforms.

The podcast gets its popularity from the narrative storytelling synchronization with philosophy and journalism.

The show begins with distinctive stories about morality, religion, emotions, politics, and equality around the world that are then woven with philosophic thoughts by great scholars and thinkers.

There are 4 seasons of the podcast with 10 episodes each, so you have a good few weeks ahead of you with new and engaging content to acquaint yourself with.

Episodes: 39

Duration: 10min-1h Episodes

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Why? Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life

Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life

Why? Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life is a podcast broadcasted by Dr. Jack Russell Weinstein every month.

The question “Why?” has been the kernel of thought that philosophers seem to revolve around for decades, another thing quite well-known to us is how easy it is to escalate an argument by simply asking “Why?” Dr. Jack Russell in “Why? Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life” cuts the norms of such conversations and instead engages in arguments and questions about life in the essence of philosophy.

The complete non-biased viewpoint and opinion of Dr. Jack Russell make the podcast an ever admiring one, which features the topics that you can relate to in just about everyday life, such as the virtues of hunting, admiration, and concepts behind art, contemplating the image of future, agreeing to disagree, etc.

The worst thing about this podcast is there could’ve been many more episodes than it already has.

Episodes: 20

Duration: 1h 20min Episodes

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Philosophy 24/7

Philosophy 24/7

Philosophy 24/7 is a podcast that brings to you succinct interviews of some of the best philosophers and high-profile personalities by David Edmonds. David Edmonds is an award-winning BBC journalist, an author, and a senior research associate at the Oxford Universities Uehiro Center for Practical ethics.

This podcast is definitely the one for beginners as it takes on arguments about moral and emotional problems that surround us 24/7.

You will find a much-needed refuge in the podcast as much after an exhausting day at work as you will on a dimly-lit and peaceful Sunday morning.

Philosophy is generally quite an entangled area of study, to begin with, but with the application of it explained in such a sublime contrast by David Edmonds really does trigger the point of interest to anyone listening to it.

Episodes: 40


The Panpsycast

The Panpsycast

The Panpsycast philosophy podcast is hosted and produced by Jack Symes and about eight other co-contributors to the show.

The Panpsycast is an informative but informal podcast that is intended to aid teachers, students, or any fellow-thinkers striving to dive deep into the core concepts of philosophy.

The weekly podcast releases are nothing like a classroom experience of learning new ideas and always have chunks of relevant information and examples that you don’t get inside a formal classroom.

It sows the seeds of interest in your opted course at A ‘levels, College, or even university as some of the most qualified and knowledgeable philosophers help you decipher the common obstacles we face in picking up the pace with philosophy.

Episodes: 192

Duration: 40min-1h 20min episodes

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Partially Examined Life

Partially Examined Life

The podcast self-described at the beginning of its episodes as, “A philosophy podcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing philosophy for a living, but then thought better of it” is an inquisitive audio series that smudges the confines separating education and entertainment.

Presented mostly by Mark Linsenmayer, Seth Paskin, Wes Alwan, and Dylan Casey is a highly informal argument about the general norms of society, the influence of art, politics, effects of modern media, etc.

The list for the best podcasts is never complete leaving the Partially Examined Life out, initially set up to be an informal debate between a group of friends doing their Masters in Philosophy has become a cultural phenomenon.

It is a podcast best recommended for any category of philosophy enthusiasts, beginners or experts, you will have your horizons stretched beyond your comprehension.

Episodes: 300

Duration: 1h 20min Episodes

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The Aubrey Marcus Podcast

The Aubrey Marcus Podcast

The Aubrey Marcus podcast is from none other than the author of the NYT best-selling book “Own The Day, Own Your Life”, the founder and CEO of ONNIT.

The Texan inspirational personality converses with the brightest minds from sports, economics, history, philosophy, psychology, and medicine over his podcasts and motivates multi-aspects to millions worldwide.

The inspirational podcasts hit an even higher note because of his keen interest in Psychedelic Medicine and healing.

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Dawdler’s Philosophy

Dawdler’s Philosophy

Hosted by a scientist and a philosopher, the podcast brings to life the most ancient quarrels that have bugged the thinkers.

Free from drama and political views, the content expressed is highly engaging and knowledgeable.

The lively conversations between two peers trying their best not to agree while keeping it mild is something that should set anybody’s mood just about right.

But more than the entertaining aspect, the podcast provides real knowledge and information regarding very interesting topics that will quench your thirst for curiosity about stuff you didn’t even know you were curious about in the first place!

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Akimbo Podcast


Akimbo by Seth Godin is another amazing podcast about the need for flexibility in our busy lives. As the word “Akimbo” itself means a bend in the river in the words of the ancient, the podcast personifies the idea by correlating it to the norms and cultures of today.

The podcast is highly spirited in provoking one to see the cultural ties of today as they are and how one can choose to do something about it, something to change it, or maybe to simply bend it!

Podcast Link:

Morality In The Real World

Morality In The Real World

A deeply insightful podcast that focuses dearly on desirism.

A highly thought-provoking podcast to hit the list of philosophy podcasts you must listen to as it separates the understanding of intrinsic values, the separation of desire and pleasure, and how the morality in the world is measured.

The most interesting feature of the podcast is how highly conversive it is, every five episodes, questions from the audience are answered which gives more of a two-sided effort while listening to the lively conversations.

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Pop Culture Philosophers

Pop Culture Philosophers

It has been quite a while since the geek and nerd culture has been fantasized by populations, while despised by the rest.

The podcast is specifically about the growing culture portrayed and in practice today, and how it affects our understandings of geeks and nerds, also how it really affects them.

A full of humor and a very entertaining podcast that sews the definition of the widely misconceived theories and understandings of the geeks. It brings a very lighthearted, kind, and a positive light over the pop culture of today.

Podcast Link:

Sean Carroll’s Mindscape

Sean Carrolls

The one-stop entertainment guide for all the science, fantasy, and philosophy enthusiasts out there whose wonder grows with the passing of each day.

It is a weekly podcast where Sean Carroll hosts conversations with bright minds on the topics that have pestered our brains at least once.

From the curiosity about the quantum mechanics to the finding out what’s inside of a black hole, from how emotions work to how music affects parts of your brains, it is a carefully woven podcast for the Brainiac’s  and the curious people.

Podcast Link:


Podcasts are the most engaging companions through the mundane daily chores of our lives where we always tend to slide into the autopilot mode.

Whether it is doing the dishes, cooking or baking in the morning, having a cup of coffee, stuck in a queue, and most importantly, when dealing with being stuck in traffic.

Finding a good podcast to binge on is really something if you haven’t developed the taste for putting on the podcasts instead of songs that you are growing tired of  the following list of podcasts might just be the magical words you’ve been waiting to hear.

The learning aspect of podcasts is still highly under-rated around the world even though millions of people cherish it blindly.

It is perhaps either getting off the wrong foot with an expendable podcast or never having heard something that catches your interest but most people are scared off in the very beginning.

Choosing the right material to listen to is as hard as finding a fast Honda, we all know they do exist but no one knows where!

Philosophy plays an integral part in acquainting you with podcasts as it does with any other means of absorbing information.

Like you initially like the books that go hand in hand with your perceptions and understandings but later on grow fonder of the one that makes you question your beliefs, it all comes down to philosophy.

This is exactly why the podcasts mentioned for beginners above are all about philosophy, some of them will fuel the fire of your thoughts while others may try to extinguish it, as long as the key remains to learn and expand your understanding, you are going to love each at least one of them!

I have selected a bunch of amazing material out on the internet today that is waiting for a thinker like you to be discovered by.

You probably have even heard about some of the famous mentioned ones but never got quite the push to start over with one, well here it is!

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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