Best Tens Machine for Period Pain

Best Tens Machine for Period Pain: Period cramps can leave you feeling sidelined from your daily routine, for some days, every month. They can seriously hinder your productivity. Where a warm and cozy bed seems like the best option for soothing the period cramps and pain, there is a lot that needs to be done which doesn’t involve your cozy bed. After getting Livia off Switch for Menstrual Pain, we came down to the conclusion that this is literally the best tens machine for period pain. Yes, it is a little costly, but as mentioned above, nothing really feels better than getting rid of the period pain and being able to handle your work in the same effective manner as before.

Stop asking yourself as to how to reduce period pain or how to stop period cramps because you now have a solution to it. Just attach the electrodes to the area which is hurting and you will start feeling a great difference within one minute. No more of tolerating the pain for days because Livia is here for your rescue ladies. Also, dump those painkillers away so that you don’t feel dizzy or nauseous in the process of stopping the period cramps from making your life hard. This best tens machine for period pain is every lady’s dream come true!

This is why our team decided to bring you a detailed review of the best tens machine for period pain.

Our team decided to lead an experiment and we gave out this machine to some female individuals for free to check whether it helps or not. We also asked them how to stop period cramps or pain through this individual. After a month, we received their verdicts and on the basis of their experiences, our team came down to the final conclusion:

Livia is a good machine that actually works and sidelines the period pain. The majority of the females agreed to the fact that this is the best tens machine for period pain and it really works.

This is literally every lady’s dream come true!

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There are a lot of machines out there that claim to take the period pain away but they don’t really help much. This is where Livia tends to stand out. It actually eases the pain completely for a lot of people and some of them said that it lessened the pain to such a good extent that they were able to function properly without screaming from pain.

If you are looking for the answer to how to make the period pain go away then it is time to test Livia Switch Off period pain device right away. It is promising enough to make you feel relaxed.

Here is why we consider it the best tens machine for period pain:

• It actually helps in making you feel comfortable. The breaking out and bloating can literally make it hard to walk straight and ladies usually complain about their inability to function properly. This is where Livia tends to bring in the comfort of functionality. You can be productive by using this device along.

• It delivers what it claims for. The ladies that tested this device for us said that they had tried out some devices previously too and they weren’t much help. However, after testing Livia they were certainly happy. They did say that the pain doesn’t go away completely but if you set the vibration a little higher, you feel like the pain is almost gone and it doesn’t seem to make your life miserable. It makes it easier to move along and be comfortable. Therefore, it has actually delivered what it claims for and that is why we consider it the best tens machine for period pain.

• Another reason why Livia is the best tens machine for period pain is that it is completely drug-free. It has literally no side effects. The painkillers that ladies utilize to ease their pain come along with dozens of side effects and dizziness and nausea are worst of them all. Also, they might cause stomach ache too which just adds up to the bloating period pain. This is where Livia allows you to reduce the cramping pain without any side effects and makes your life easier.

How to make Period Pain Go Away?

For all those who are now eager to invest in Livia, you need to know how to stop period cramps by using this machine. It is pretty easy to use which adds up to its benefits.

Livia, which is referred to as Off Switch for period pain, comes with two electrodes and you have to attach them to your abdominal area. The electrodes need to be attached to the area that hurts. You get a gadget along too, which is about the size of your palm and simply switch it on. This allows nerve stimulating pulses to release themselves in the area of the pain and help in eradicating the pain. Thus, it is this simple to diminish your stubborn period pain with Livia off switch.


  • User-Friendly
  • Safe to use
  • Drug-Free
  • No Side Effects
  • Lightweight
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Easy to conceal under your clothes, no matter wherever you go
  • 15 hour battery time
  • Starts working within 30 seconds

What’s inside the box?

Here is what you receive inside the box along with this best tens machine for period pain. It is everything that has an answer to your annoyance of how to reduce period pain!

  • Livia device
  • A blue-green skin
  • 1 set of flower pads (electrodes)
  • USB charging cable
  • A carrying case
  • Supply of Livia gel pads for 3 months

It’s a Tens Machine

Livia says that it works in sync with the principles of “tens unit” which has been in utilization since the 1960’s and have been a great solution of how to make the period pain go away. Tens unit principles have been able to ease period cramps. However, this device does not work on the principles of the tens unit.

This is the best tens machine for period pain. It works through a proper ratio of wave shape and frequency that has been developed in order to bring relief from period cramps and pain.

Does the vibration or pulse hurt?

Many people come up with the concern that the pulses that the electrodes release might be painful. When we gave off these devices for testing to some females, some of them have the same concern. However, we are sure of the fact that the pulses sent through the electrodes do not hurt at all.

They are more like sensations; gentle and light. Also, this best tens machine for period pain allows you to change the intensity of the pulses according to the level of pain you are experiencing. If the pain is less, you can keep the intensity to a lower rate and likewise, if you feel immense pain, you can increase the intensity gradually.

Why should you use it?

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Well, ladies out there exactly know why they would use it! There are so many home remedies that seem like the best and ultimate solution for how to stop period cramps. But they really don’t work that efficiently. Also, you do get some painkillers as well which come with a handful of side effects which yet again affect your efficiency. These painkillers cause dizziness; rashes, nausea, heartburn and stomach ache as well.

This is where Livia sets the game on to a new level! It is bringing you the greatest answer to how to reduce period pain, without any side effects. It has no drugs in it which makes it extremely suitable and safe to use by women. You can easily get rid of period pain and make it go away without having to deal with dizziness.

Pros. & Cons.


  • Easy to use
  • 15 hour battery time is great as you don’t really have to wear it for a very long time span
  • It actually reduces the period pain
  • It helps you in being productive and carry on with your daily chores without many delays


  • A few ladies said that it doesn’t take the pain away completely and simply reduces it to such an extent that you don’t feel it much
  • If you are on a tight budget, this might seem a little out of hand. But getting this amazing device for just $158 which actually helps you get the solution of how to make the period pain go away, this one is a catch

Who’s this best for?

We think that this is the best tens machine for period pain relief, for any lady whose life gets harder every month, for some days. Even if it reduces the pain to a good level and allows you to do your chores comfortably; what else could be better? If you are eagerly looking for a solution for how to reduce period pain or how to stop period cramps then Livia is the right answer for you.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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