People who became successful after failing!: Success cannot be achieved without failing. Failure is not how many times we fall, it’s about how many times we get up again and learn from the experience. Every single time we fail at something, we learn a new thing that we didn’t know before. From now onwards whenever you fail, congratulate yourself as you are about to learn something different.
Every successful individual (regardless of whether a researcher, business person, artist, craftsman, et cetera) on this planet had something reasonable number of failures which they have hung on like medals of pride. They didn’t allow the inability to stop them; they substantiated themselves greater than the conditions, learned, and proceeded onward. This is the way they arrived at where they are present. In the event that they would have surrendered trust, confidence in themselves or let disappointment take control over them; they wouldn’t be the model they are today for the coming ages.

Inspiring your journey, one story at a time. #LifeFalcon.
So we have begun gathering anecdotes about the failures of successful individuals, as a reminder that in case you’re committing errors and gaining from them, you’re really on the way to progress.
Table of Content
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey, whose net worth is assessed to be around $4 billion, who goes under the rundown of 500 richest people, didn’t begin having a silver spoon in her grasp. She was abused at 9 years old, fled from her home at 13 years old just to discover she is pregnant at 14 years old, and went through a subsequent miscarriage. She arrived at a TV gig in Baltimore and was called ‘unsuitable for TV news’ by her producer. She was downgraded to writing and reporting gig, yet she was a lethargic author and excessively kind for the pitiless calling.
At that point she was offered another show called, People are talking, which ended up being a tremendous achievement. She proceeded to have her show, which circulated for around 25 years. What’s more, presently she claims her TV channel by the name of OWN. The ability to continue pushing ahead in any event got her where she is today. Quoting her,
“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.”
Walt Disney
Walt Disney (a man who made our childhood memorable) famous for his cartoon characters; mickey mouse and Donald duck, the one who made Disney world and movies like Snowhite and Pinnochio didn’t reach the height of his profession without failures. He was fired by his news editor for not being ‘creative’ enough, lost his legal ownership of his mildly successful cartoon character “Oswald the Rabbit’’, which left him devastated. But he remained determined and after going through several ideas he created Mickey Mouse; which to your shock was rejected by many financers. His animation company went bankrupt and he remained subsisting on beans for many years. His animators also went on strike during World War II, leaving him in more debt. He couldn’t go through all this and had a nervous breakdown. Still not letting his failures take over him, he came back and opened Disney land which again was rejected 300 times, but when opened was a huge success. Walt Disney teaches us persistence if nothing else. Quoting him,
“It is good to have a failure while you’re young because it teaches you so much. For one thing, it makes you aware that such a thing can happen to anybody, and once you’ve lived through the worst, you’re never quite as vulnerable afterward.”
Jack Ma
Jack ma’s life is one of the greatest examples of success through failure. He failed his primary school twice, his university entry exams twice; he did not get disheartened. In his math entrance exam he scored 1 out of 120 but it didn’t stop him from becoming a billionaire. He applied to Harvard 10 times and was rejected every single time (do note how persistent he was).
Furthermore, after graduating he applied to 30 jobs and again was rejected in each and every one of them. He was the 1 out of the 24 interviewees who got rejected by KFC. He still did not lose his determination. He then came up with the idea of an online market. He went to Silicon Valley but couldn’t get the offer accepted; the idea wasn’t seen as profitable. He continued believing in his idea and established Alibaba. Even after establishing Alibaba, a lot of failures crossed his way. He humbly notes,
“I call Alibaba 1,001 mistakes.”
It wasn’t profitable the first 3 years and was 18 months away from bankruptcy. But still, it did not demoralize him. Today, the company has made it among the global Top 10 and has expanded in all major markets of the world. His consistency and persistence got him where he is now.
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs, a person who had a net worth of $10.2 billion when he died was fired from his own company. It was less than 10 years since he did found Apple and his life was flipped upside down. He did not get demoralized rather see this as an opportunity to be more creative. In an interview he was found saying that he did lose his company but not his passion, he was still rich. If he would have lost his passion with the company he would have become poor.
Due to this mindset, he was able to create an animation studio during this time, Pixar. This was sold for $7.4 billion in 2006. He was hired back at Apple in 1997 and then made some of the most amazing technologies; iPod, MacBook, iPad, power adaptor, and of course iPhone. To quote his saying about failure,
“The greatest artists like Dylan, Picasso, and Newton risked failure. And if we want to be great, we have got to risk it too.”
JK Rowling
The ninth smash hit fiction writer whose books have been interpreted in 72 dialects and 500 million duplicates have been made of each book began as a jobless divorced mother of a girl whom she needed to take care of alone. During this time she got the plan to compose harry potter and wrote down the thought on a napkin. This was only the beginning; there were yet numerous obstacles she needed to go through. Not long after she began writing, her mom died and she went into depression. She went to Portugal and instructed for 1 year there.
She returned and composed the initial three parts of harry potter and showed them to a publisher. Her original copy was dismissed. She went on and appeared to 12 changed publishers and was dismissed by every last one of them. Yet, she continued having faith in her composition and discovered one publisher that was prepared to publish her copy. She was cautioned to find a morning job as a kids’ novel will not procure her anything. Today it is accepted that her total net worth is about $650 Million. It’s all about believing in your ideas.To conclude in her words,
“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all-in which case, you fail by default.”
Summing Up:
Without failures, we will not open new doors. We wouldn’t have faith in ourselves and become acquainted with many secret parts of us. It draws out our idealistic side which brings energy and assists us with gaining from the slip-up. It draws out our reliable side which advises us to have confidence in the conditions, have us get up again, and buckle down for our objective.
If you are failing, know that you are on the path of getting successful. Stay determined, no matter how many times you fall. Believe in yourself and your idea no matter how many people tell you that it is not worth it.