10 Interesting Facts about the Internet

10 Interesting Facts about the Internet: Over the past two decades, the internet has become an integral part of life all around the world, so we are here with some new interesting facts about the internet, which we bet you didn’t know before. It has completely revolutionized and changed the way that we communicate with each other, how we entertain ourselves and conduct our work and businesses. It has provided a platform to speak out and be heard for every person who has access to the internet.

The internet is a miraculous invention that has allowed us to be able to access information about any topic.

The internet provides people with access to the sum of all human knowledge and people can access it from the phones in their pockets.

By the way, do you know  In recent years, hackers have been increasingly trying to steal more and more customer records to steal identities.

In the first six months of 2019, over 4.1 billion personal records were leaked by a data breach. According to the IMF, identity records and credit card details are the second most wanted product that is traded on the dark web, with the first being illegal drugs and medicines.

Identity theft is a very lucrative business and a single record of someone can cost quite a bit, while the details of someone’s entire identity can be bought for prices as high as $3,000.

Hacking is at an all-time high

The hacking rate is increasing

 Over 30,000 websites are hacked every single day. Most of these sites are legitimate sites of small businesses that accidentally download malware and distribute it further to other people. Hackers target small businesses because they usually have low security.

To get an idea of how prevalent hacking is right now, on average, hackers steal 75 records every second.

WordPress websites are another popular target for hackers. WordPress has almost 55,000 plugins and hackers use vulnerabilities in those plugins to gain access to their victims’ systems.

This, combined with the fact that around 35% of all websites use WordPress, means that hackers can attack any of these websites and gain access to spread malware and steal personal records.

Online gambling and casinos have become an integral part of the Internet

Microgaming developed the first online gambling software in 1994. The first gambling bet was made in an online casino in 1996.

Gambling enthusiasts found the internet to be a great way to play games like Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, and Video Poker, with people from all around the world, from the comfort of their homes.

This has evolved into a large online industry with online casinos and advanced gambling software making it a major part of the economy. One estimate puts the value of the online gambling industry at around 114.21 billion US Dollars in the coming years.

The Internet might save us from current and future pandemics

The Internet might save us from current and future pandemics

The Internet has radically changed how humanity deals with epidemics and pandemics. The internet is a completely new ‘thing’ that has changed how we communicate with each other. It has also given us the power to be able to talk to anyone at any time to warn them or inform them about something.

In the past, societies reacted to pandemics by huddling together with other people, in fear and shock. This leads to the spread of any infection or disease.

The internet allows people to warn the whole world that a virus has gotten loose and people can then use the internet to rapidly spread the information to everyone all around the world, giving warnings and allowing them to avoid getting infected by self quarantining themselves and waiting for the virus to die out.

Sadly, the internet also allows people to convince each other that the virus is a ‘hoax’ or something similar and these people then break their quarantines and demand a return to normal life. This leads to the spread of the virus instead of containing it and letting it run its course.

The silver lining to all this is that the internet allows doctors and scientists from all over the world to talk to each other and communicate seamlessly while working to develop a vaccine or a cure for the virus. Without the Internet, research on developing a vaccine would be extremely slow. With the use of the internet, any discovery can be instantly shared with the whole scientific community, and work can continue to use the discovery to further the development of a vaccine.

The Internet is a magnificent and grand human invention. It has crept into every part of human life and covers the entire planet like a spider web. We can use it for a good purpose, or a bad purpose. There are limitless possibilities to improve our lives and change society using the power of the internet.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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