Marc Chernoff – All You Need To Know: Marc Chernoff, in his own words, is a Passionate writer, an admirer of the human spirit, and a full-time student of life. He is a New York Times bestselling author, professional coach, and a motivational blogger to inspire thousands worldwide.
He has been recognized by Forbes as having “One of the most popular personal development blogs.” Along with his wife Angel Chernoff, he has written books about finding happiness, love, peace, and success.

Inspiring your journey, one story at a time. #LifeFalcon.
His personal development blog is called” Marc and Angel Hack Life.” This site contains 600 articles and has attracted 90 million views and has 100k subscribers.
He started this blog in the year 2006 and has never looked back. Subscribers have increased tremendously and look for answers to their problems in his inspirational stories.
Table of Content
How Did The Blog Come To Be?
Mark learned the lesson of life the hard way. About ten years ago he, along with his wife Angel, struggled to cope with the most painful experience in their lives.
Those were trying times for them and they had to face adversities in the form of job losses, financial instability betrayals, and more.
To make matters worse he lost two loved ones in his family, to suicide and illness. This happened without a break, in about the same time span.
This entire season of pain pulled him down and he hit an all-time low. The next couple of years were the worst he had ever gone through.
There were times he felt he could not go through and that is when he started writing the blog along with his wife Angel. They were at the lowest ebb in their lives and he decided to write about his pain and his losses.
Marc’s blog is a public outlet and an accountability journal. He writes about the lessons he has learned through his pain and loss and the actions he needed to take to hold himself accountable for what had happened if he wanted to move ahead in life.
One Step At A Time
The idea behind the blog was to sit down and go through their pain and losses instead of hiding away from them. He started steadily, one blog post at a time where they both learned and gained more strength as they investigated their pain.
They collected their strength and wisdom on the way as they shared their story with the world.
They started their blog with the goal of inspiring as many people as possible. They do this through the thoughts and ideas they share online.
Through the blog posts, he says that he learned to find when he was in a negative state of mind, with his emotions in a turmoil, then from there, he tried to overcome these negative emotions which were clouding his mind and life.
It was a step by step and gradual transition and initially, it seemed as if nothing was changing. Gradually, it started to change.
The change came with small steps, the 10 minutes of workout, the effort to eat healthily, meditation, and honest conversations.
Writing them down daily in the blog and sharing with others so that they would learn from his experience, made things look up for both Marc and his wife Angel.
“How To Live Life?”
Marc Chernoff believes that there is a great difference between living and merely existing.
You are a product of what you know. The more knowledge you acquire, the more control you have over your life.
Take good care of your body. – Your body is the greatest tool you will ever own. It impacts every step you take and every move you make. Nourish it, exercise it, and rest it.
According to Marc, family and close friends make up the core of your emotional support system. We all need this support system and cannot go through life all by ourselves.
Excel at what you do. – There is no point in doing something if you are not going to do it right. Excel at your work and excel at your hobbies, make a reputation of excellence for yourself.
Mediocrity is not for the ones who succeed.
“Be Here In The Now”
Right now, is the only moment guaranteed to you. Right now, is life. Do not miss it.
Marc talks of leading a mindful existence. Being in the present and knowing the now.
Life is about being in the now, noticing the beauty of nature around you, the flowers, the sunset, and being in the company of loved ones.
Be mindful of the beautiful moments and the not so beautiful ones.
Mindfulness is being aware of what is happening now, in the present moment, and accepting it without hoping for something different.
To be in the now and to learn to enjoy the present, ready to let go is also when it changes.
Being with unpleasant situations also, knowing the present and believing that everything changes for the better. Time changes, whether good or bad.
Mindfulness according to Marc is a way of living, of seeing, breathing, and understanding the power of being a human.
“Do Not Believe In Negative Thoughts”
It is not your thoughts but your attachments to these thoughts that make you suffer.
Attachment means believing in these thoughts, so if you start believing in your negative thoughts, they will harm you and cause you pain and distress.
When negative thoughts start crowding your mind, Marc Chernoff wants you to divert your attention, leave these thoughts behind and start doing something else.
Keep yourself busy, exercise, cook, meet friends, go for a walk.
You will notice these negative thoughts would fade away and you will be back to believing in goodness.
When you try to control too much, you enjoy too little. Sometimes you just need to let go, relax, take a deep breath, and love what is, right now.
Over planning does not work, plan but be flexible.
Sometimes the happiest moments are completely unplanned. Greatest regrets are when you meticulously plan, and things don’t work out your way or as planned.
Books by Marc Chernoff
Marc Chernoff started writing and blogging after his brother and a friend both died in a short span of time. This was a great shock to Marc and his wife, and both found themselves falling deeper into the dark hole.
This was the time that they decided to pick themselves up step by step. They started writing a blog where they shared their experiences with the people.
Marc and his wife Angel both share a great passion for inspiring others to live to their fullest potential, and they feel best when they are inspiring others to be their best.
Getting Back to Happy
Change your thoughts, change your reality, and turn your trials into triumphs.
Marc Chernoff has become a leader in the area of personal development, connecting with thousands of people across the globe, with his thoughts and ideas of living and not simply existing.
He wishes he had written his first book when he needed it the most.
Getting Back to Happy is a book about strategies through which we can change our thought patterns and our daily habits.
This change will help us bounce back after going through tough times.
In this book, he talks about how we have the power to control our daily rituals, our mindfulness, living in the present, self-care to overcome our trials and tribulations, and get back into life.
He shares stories and incidents and advises the readers to harness these powers in ourselves and become our best selves.
Getting Back to Happy is an easy-to-read tour of what it means to be a human being.
Marc throws light on the ways in which we distract ourselves from the most important things in life, through good and bad times.
It is a book about getting back on track and taking charge of your life.
1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently
This book is a collection of short tips and reflections on the little things that make a great difference in our lives.
In this book, Chernoff talks about how entrepreneurs can stay focused on their work and the goals and common mistakes they make.
He talks about selecting the right people to work for you, and how to stay confident and persevere.
According to Marc Chernoff, people who want to achieve their goals should do these two things.
First, they should focus on the right thing, and second, they should get rid of all the distractions.
Research studies show that people get more work done if they prioritize their work and plan correctly.
Once you know you are actually working on the right things, getting rid of all distractions for a particular time frame, while you work, is one of the most effective ways to get things done
Marc says that if you want to benefit from something in life then you must also want the costs. The benefits of a fit healthy body come with sweat, sore muscles, low-fat meals and so much more.
If you want a successful business then you must also want the hard work, late working hours, the risky business decisions.
You have to fail to know how to succeed.
Being mindfully focused on the positive will lead you towards success.
Successful business people know that to be efficient in your work, you must learn to automate and delegate.
You can get more work done with the same amount of effort.
What is Marc’s best productivity hack?
To create and observe a “TO-DON’T” list. While at work, do not check Facebook, Twitter, don’t randomly browse through news websites. These are all distractions that need to be eliminated.
His next best productivity hack is to mindfully focus on the positive.
He believes that if we try and focus on positivity, clearing out all negative thoughts, we are bound to be happier and perform better at work.
What is Marc’s best advice about perseverance?
His advice is to keep going, even if you fall and fail. Do not stop trying, laughing, loving, and living again. Do not let a hard lesson harden your hard.
Life’s best lessons are learned at the worst times and through the worst mistakes.
How many articles does his personal development blog have and what are they?
It has over six hundred articles covering happiness, productivity, emotional intelligence, relationships, and general self-improvement.
How many books has Marc and Angel written till now?
They have written two books as a team.
What are the names of the books written by Marc Chernoff?
Getting Back to Happy and 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently.
What does Marc say about relationships?
He believes that relationships should help you, not hurt you. Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be.
You must Choose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, people who care about you and respect you – people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it.
Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the energy and hope out of you.
Marc Chernoff is extraordinarily successful in his field; he is a self-proclaimed full-time student of life. Through his blog, he connects with people by laying open his wounds for the world to see.
He taught people through his stories to understand their pain, learn to be accountable for their mistakes, and live a mindfully positive life.
He guides his followers on how to be successful, how to find a peaceful existence in the midst of the chaos.