E Bikes vs Scooters

E Bikes vs Scooters: In congested urban areas, e-bikes and electric scooters are becoming popular day by day. Nowadays, commuting to work in a car is no less than a nuisance on roads clogged with inching traffic.

But personal electric vehicles are simpler, lightweight, and affordable forms of transportation for people having busy lifestyles. These electrified automobiles will take you to your destination in no time and without breaking a sweat.

After checking out and comparing both E-bikes and electric scooters for the price, safety, comfort, and various other factors, we have pulled together a list of pros and cons so that you can decide which vehicle fits you the best.

Price Comparison:

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Electric scooters are cheaper than e-bikes, for e-bikes are larger and heavier with suspension systems, weighty motors, and bigger tires. E-scooter is lighter and more compact and hence, cost lesser than an e-bike. An average entry-level Xiaomi M365 kick scooter, for example, is worth less than $500.

However, for a decent e-bike, it is usual to pay 1000 bucks or more. A famous e-bike manufacturing company, Rad Power’s offerings, for example, cost around $1000-$1500 on average.

Portability and convenience:

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Portability is one of the remarkable features of an e-scooter that sets it apart from e-bikes. E-bikes are heavier than e-scoots, for they come with bigger batteries, larger frames, and tires to accommodate higher forces. An average e-scooter weighs around 30 lbs, whereas it’s not uncommon to find an e-bike weighing between 50-100 lbs.

It’s a breeze to carry your e-scoot around, fit it in the trunk of your sedan, or stow it under your desk while at work. E-scootering is gaining popularity among college students as it is a convenient way to get around the campus. Also, you can place it under your seat or lean it against the wall as you listen to the lecture.

As an e-scooter is portable, it is safe from opportunist thieves eyeing your travel buddy. But, unlike e-scooters, you can’t take your e-bike wherever you go. Bike parking is not a common sight at the moment. Hence, one has to park their e-bike in a car park. Although locking your e-bike is a deterrent, bicycle wheels and helmets get stolen if you leave your e-bike out for too long.

However, foldable e-bikes are now inundating the micro-mobility world and rivaling the portability feature of e-scooters. Brompton Electric folding bike, for example, is a tiny e-bike that weighs about 30 pounds, measures around (23″ x 22.2″ x 10.6″) when folded, and is small enough to bring on a train or fit in your car trunk.

Besides portability, it is easier to rent these e-scooters with an app. However, you wouldn’t see many bike-sharing rental docks around.

Ride Comfort And Stability:

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When it comes to riding comfort and stability, e-bikes take the lead. E-bike offers more control over your ride as you are on a seat and have a lower center of gravity. However, an e-scoot requires standing on a deck as you commute from A to B, making your legs overcome with fatigue.

E-bikes come with large tires (16 to 25 inches) that give you an added stability and the ability to absorb shocks and roll over bumps on the road. This ability to protect itself from collisions makes an e-bike suitable for a wide variety of terrains. Conversely, tiny e-scoot tires are more sensitive to vibrations on the road and other road irregularities because of their smaller size. As an e-scoot rider, you are likely to feel more jolt and have to exert extra force to overcome the obstacles. The probability of falling into a pothole on an e-scoot is high, and one has to be extra cautious while taking their travel companion on uneven pavements.

Also, on an e-bike, you don’t have to worry if the battery runs out of juice, as you can always reach your destination by active pedaling. This way, you can also sneak a light workout into your day without having to hit the gym.


For the most part, e-bikes are safer than e-bikes, for there is more weight lowered down, more balance, and control over your ride. E-bikes have larger tires and suspension systems, which means they behave well on rugged terrain. However, on an e-scooter, you run the risk of falling into a pothole, or worse, hitting your head on the road. That is because of the smaller tires and higher center of gravity that leave you with less stability and balance. According to a JAMA study, e-scooter riders are more likely to trip over and get injured than those riding e-bikes. E-scoot riders pose a significant danger to the pedestrians on sidewalks, especially the elderly and disabled.


The range of E-bikes far exceeds that of e-scooter. On an e-bike, you can rack up more miles because these pedelecs come with bigger batteries, larger wheels, and powerful motors. An average Juiced e-bike has a range of up to 40-100 miles, while a Segway e-scoot can cover around 40 miles.


Overall, e-bikes are speedier than e-scooters, as they have powerful motors and heavy suspensions systems. E-bikes can reach maximum assisted speeds of up to 30 mph, whereas e-scooters top out at 22 mph.

Want to squeeze in a quick workout?

Staying fit is everyone’s desire. Regularly hitting the gym requires discipline and persistence and isn’t a mean feat when you have got so much on your plate. However, the picture isn’t so bleak as the e-bike offers you to squeeze a quick workout into your life. Active pedaling allows you to burn calories and stay in shape without having to run on a treadmill at the 24-hour Fitness.

However, the e-scooter doesn’t offer much of a workout. All you can do is stand on the board while the motor does its work and lets you glide over the road.

E-bikes and E-scooters: A step towards a cleaner environment?

E-bikes and e-scooters differ in several ways. But, both are a source of massive advantage for our environment. Vehicles that run on gasoline or diesel spew greenhouse gases that pollute the air. A passenger car, for example, discharges 650 grams of carbon dioxide that adds to the woes of our planet suffering from global warming. But, the good news is personal electric vehicles give off no toxic fumes and create zero pollution.

Riders are opting to ride e-bikes and e-scoots to reduce their carbon footprint. These devices use electricity, a source of energy more carbon-neutral than diesel to recharge their batteries. So, next time, as you zip along on your e-scooter, pat yourself on the back for slumping down the rate of climate change.


Having considered all the variables, it all boils down to your choice.

Both e-bike and e-scooter are environmentally friendly and contribute a great deal in reducing carbon footprint. Looking for an affordable yet convenient means of transportation, go for an e-scooter.

If you have a fat wallet and prefer a vehicle that can go around almost everywhere, have an impressive range, and provide a comfortable ride, add an e-bike to your shopping cart.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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