Remove Back Pain With Some Awesome Back Stretching Machines

Remove Back Pain With Some Awesome Back Stretching Machines: With old age and tough working hours, back pain becomes more and more common. Working in the same position for more than five hours a day results in tensed muscles and bad posture.

There are still options for posture correction.

But working endlessly still causes pain and as a result, you feel tired and that directly affects your attitude. In order to elevate your mood and relax your back, we have tributed this blog post to back pain and stretching.

Back pain is one of the most common types of pain that people suffer from. In fact, about 80 percent of the people suffer from back pain in their lives at least once.

Lower back pain can occur due to various reasons. Maybe due to lack of rest or your bones got weaker with aging.

It might be because you had lifted some heavy object, resulting in the displacement of your herniated disk. You might be sitting in your office for hours, driving for a long route, or busy in your work without bed rest.

Anyone of the above could be a potential cause of lower back pain. Many of us usually ignore and think that we will get over this after a few hours of rest.

Reasons may vary but it could be even worse if you will not take it seriously and do something about it. As in the long run, these things affect your back permanently.

It is not natural to have back pain at all.

Before Buying Back Stretchers You need to Change your lifestyle and understand your back a little more

Body posture

correct postureYour posture is an important point here. A good standing posture is one where you hold your head up straight with your chin in and your shoulders blades back, now you don’t want to look weird.

Just look at this girl. See how is she standing with that straight line? That is the correct way.

Some people are in a habit of putting more stress on one leg when standing and they tire themselves out quickly. Your spine has a natural “S” curve and so you have to stand in a way that balances your muscles on both sides of your spine so you don’t stress out one more than the other like in the leg example.

A good posture is very good for your health. Just like you are convinced by many physicians to sit properly in order to avoid back pain, standing correctly also helps with lowering stress on your back. Good body posture is the utmost thing for supporting your back. A lot of people suffer from lower back pain when their body posture is not upright. Correct posture always acts as a back stretcher and your back seems more relaxed.

Keep your head and chest elevated while you sit, walk, etc. In order to keep your spinal curves aligned, your spine should be a little outward from the top of the back and make a slightly inward curve from the bottom so your back is a little bit stretched and straightened.


Cycling is a great back stretcher, however, if you have severe back pain and can’t control it then, there are a number of exercises that back pain sufferers can perform in the comfort of their homes to relieve it.

One such exercise is generally known as a hold and relax exercise.

It can be performed following the below-mentioned steps.

  1. Lay down flat on your back.
  2. Put a small pillow or a rolled towel under your back.
  3. Press against the pillow/ towel using only your back muscles. No other part of your body should be moving.
  4. Hold for three seconds and relax.
  5. After relaxing for a couple of seconds, repeat the exercise from step three. Perform at least 15 to 30 repetitions at once.

Another very commonly prescribed exercise to back pain sufferers is the William flexion exercise.

It is a very simple exercise to relieve lower back muscle tension.

To perform William flexion, follow the below-mentioned steps

  1. Lay down flat on your back.
  2. Bring both your knees to your chest and hold the knees in this position by wrapping your arms around your knees.
  3. Hold for 15 seconds.
  4. Release.

Repeat this at least 3 times.

Superman Stretch (best exercise for stretching your back)

Plank Isometric Exercise

This exercise pretty much explains for itself. Just life on your tummy and try to raise your legs and hands at the same time. Keep your hands and legs together. Do it for 5 seconds and then relax then repeat again. It basically stretches our lower back.

Lower back pains mostly occur because they are already tensed. One has to make it a habit to stretch it out good and this exercise is the best for stretching your back.

Similarly, there is one more exercise I always try before my back workout in order to stretch it properly and that is:

Alternative Superman

In this exercise, you have to stand on one arm and the other leg as shown. Try to stretch as much as you can. You can also use the fitness balls to help you stand like in the picture.

Anyways do this exercise for 5 seconds and then relax and then repeat again. It is a great back stretcher too.

These above 2 exercises would help A LOT in reducing your back pain and stretching your back. DO them in the morning because that’s the time our backs are mostly stiff and stretching eases them.

Use supplements

In addition to lower back muscle tension, a variety of other factors can cause back pain too. This might include deficiency of certain nutrients and consequent weakness of bones generally known as osteoporosis. Hence a number of supplements are prescribed to individuals who suffer back pain.

These include the following:

  • Vitamin D. This is prescribed because quite often back pain sufferers lack this nutrient in their bodies. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is about 15 micrograms but this may vary according to an individual’s s unique needs, sunlight exposure, and other factors.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids. Some doctors claim that taking omega 3 fatty acids can help with back pain by decreasing the inflammation. However, one has to be careful with the intake of these supplements and must consult their healthcare provider.
  • Supplements including Glucosamine, Chondroitin sulfate Glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate are widely used for chronic knee pains. Some doctors claim that they have some effect in helping with back pain but the effect has not been widely noticed.

Now to the Back Stretching Machines

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After a lot of research, we found IRONMAN IFT Inversion Table to be the best machine that stretches your back!

During our research, we tested Quell for sciatica pain, which is also great for removing back pain and is a portable option.

Similarly, Hypersphere and Vyper are also portable and innovative.

People with muscle pain should definitely look into these products including some of the best handheld massagers for knots. All of them are great for alleviating muscle pain. You will be needing all of this along with the back stretcher.

If you dont know what an Inversion table is…

An Inversion table is a machine that stretches your back and uses several different techniques to help you relieve that pain and relaxes you emotionally as well as physically.

For people who are not aware of this product. An inversion table is a kind of a table that can rotate to some level of degrees to an upside-down position that helps you stretch your back in the most efficient way possible. This uses gravity to decompress the spine and take the weight off your spinal plates. This gadget functions admirably for a variety of back issues. However, it is particularly viable for individuals with slipped or herniated discs.

These tables are highly effective and according to our team, with regular use, these tables can help cure their back pain and in some cases even avoided the surgery altogether.

Why IRONMAN IFT is our choice?

Can be inverted to 180 degrees

IRONMAN IFT 1000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table can be inverted to 180 degrees. This will turn you upside down while your legs will be tied with comfortable ankle cushion. This will help you decompress your compressed spine and relax your spinal discs.

FIR (Far Infrared Rays) Heat

It is not only a machine that stretches your back but, also provides you with the heating element that can be heated up to 140 degrees and speed up your recovery. With its therapeutic and health benefits, the infrared heat penetrates into your back and soothes your back pain. The infrared heating allows proper blood circulation and stress reduction. It effectively heals your muscles by relaxing them. Which is amazing because it not only heals spinal injuries but it also heals muscle injuries too.

Remote control and LED Display

You can control every one of the functions through a remote control unit that is offered with the inversion table for simple access and utilization. The table likewise accompanies an LED display control for FIR (Far Infrared rays) heat therapy for setting up the different functions effectively. With the LED display you can control the temperature, set the time and also switch it on and off.

If you use it regularly, it proves to be a really effective and overall the best machine that stretches your back!

A few things that make it great

➔ It is not as expensive as other machines in the market.
➔ It has comfortable ankle cushions.
➔ Can be used by a person as tall as 6’6.
➔ May save you from the trouble of going through a surgery.
➔ Great drug-free alternative.
➔ The infrared heat heals like no other technology.
➔ It can be folded and stored upright without taking up too much space.

Even after all these setbacks, we still think that it’s the best machine that stretches your back.

When your pain finally fades away, all these setbacks won’t even matter. With its amazing infrared therapy and heating element, it will make you tension free and your mood uplifted.

All in all, it heats up quickly (and has a remote to control the temperature), feels stable, and allows you to control how far back you want it to be inverted by using a strap. It is easy to pull yourself back to an upright position whenever you are ready, as well.

Although this inversion table may not be for everyone, it still works for some. Hence, if you are looking for a drug-free and surgery-free alternative, then IRONMAN IFT 1000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table should be your go-to guy. It will treat your spinal and muscle injuries, decompress your spinal sacs, help you with sciatica and upper back pains, allows proper blood circulation, stress reduction and it effectively heals your muscles by relaxing them. Also, the remote control makes it easier to control FIR heat therapy. You can also adjust time and temperature and view it on the LED display.

The IRONMAN IFT 1000 is a combination of a machine that stretches your back as well as a machine that heals back pains. If you have a tendency for either of the two, this machine is the best out there. Hence choose wisely and say goodbye to your cranky back pains.

To Sum Up

Health is the greatest blessing one can have.

If you are not healthy, your joy for life will start fading out.

You won’t be able to work faster, party hard, eat the food of your choice, go for long trips, play your favorite sports and so on. One thing is quite evident, the healthier you are, the happier you will be.

Play with your life and not with your health.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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