Eye of Ender in Minecraft- all you need to know

Eye of Ender in Minecraft- all you need to know: The Eye of Ender is a mystical item in the world of Minecraft that you will most likely need in the end game scenario. If you’re an avid Minecraft player, chances are that you’ve already come across the term at least once.

As mystical as it is, it can be a little tricky to come by. You’ll need a few rare materials and combine them in a specific way to get the Eye of ender.

But fret not, for we have compiled a list of all the things you’ll ever need to know about this crucial end game item; from the materials you will need to craft it, to the many ways in which you can use it.

Carry on reading to find out all you need to know about this mystical item.

What is the Eye of Ender?

Eye of Ender

It is a craft able item in Minecraft that you will most likely need in the end game scenario. You will need a couple of ingredients to make it: “ender pearls” and “blaze powder”.

Ender pearls are rare items that you can obtain by killing enderman mobs, trading with villagers, and/or by using your bartering skills with piglins. How you choose to obtain them, depends solely on your play style and preference.

Blaze powder is a much easier item to come across. You can craft your very own using the blaze rods which you can obtain from blazes.

Combine these two materials in the steps we describe later, and you get the Eye of Ender. This item can be stored in your character’s inventory and is used to locate strongholds and activate their ‘End portals’ by repairing them. End portals are basically just a doorway between the Overworld and the End in Minecraft.

It is an item in your character’s inventory. They are used to locate strongholds and activate their “End portals” by repairing them. End portals are a doorway between Overworld and the End in Minecraft.

Steps to make Eye of Ender in Minecraft

Steps to make Eye of Ender in Minecraft

1- Verify that your character owns the following materials; Ender pearls, Blaze Powder and a crafting table.

These three items are required to make Eye of Ender. You can obtain them by the following methods;

Ender pearls and blaze powder can be obtained using the ways described above.

You can create a Crafting table by gathering wood, constructing wood planks. The wood planks are then used to create the Crafting table.

2- Navigate to your crafting table and position your character directly in front of the table.

3- Open the crafting table to access the crafting menu.

These instructions vary depending on your gaming system. After opening the crafting menu, a 3×3 crafting grid will display on the screen.

Here’s how you access the crafting menu through different mediums:

  • Minecraft PC: Right-click on the crafting table to access the crafting menu.
  • Minecraft PE: Tap on the crafting table to access the crafting menu.
  • PS3/PS4: Press the square button on your controller to access the crafting menu.
  • Xbox 360/ Xbox One: Press the “X” button on your controller to access the crafting menu.

4- Select one Ender Pearl and one Blaze Powder from your inventory.

These items will be added to the 3×3 crafting grid. Make sure that the Ender Pearl and Blaze Powder are positioned correctly in the grid. The Ender Pearl must be placed in the center, in the middle box of the middle row and the Blaze Powder must be placed to the right of Ender Pearl in the middle row. The correct order of placement is important to create the Eye of Ender, hence don’t hesitate to move the Ender Pearl and Blaze Powder to their correct positions, if necessary.

5- Verify that the Eye of Ender appears in a single box on the far right.

After you’ve places the Ender Pearl and Blaze Powder in their correct positions in the crafting grid, the Eye of Ender will appear in the above mentioned position, thus it is important to know you’re looking for it in the correct place. It is recognized as a green orb that resembles an eyeball.

6- Select the option to place the Eye of Ender in the fourth, bottom row of your inventory.

This section is known as the Hotbar. The items placed in this section can be used right away during the minecraft gameplay. The Eye of Ender can now be used to create End Portal.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Which villager can give you Eye of Ender?

With the changes made to the villagers and the trading system, if the process of gathering materials and crafting it yourself seems like a chore to you, you can now buy the Eye of Ender from Cleric villagers for 7-11 emeralds, as one of their tier III trades.

Q: What happens when an eye of ender explodes?

Eyes of ender will shatter or explode when there is no end portal present in the vicinity of a 1000 blocks. As it is used to locate and activate an end portal, if there is none present, it will automatically explode.

Q: What are the purple particles left behind by ender eyes?

The purple particles left behind by ender eyes have entity data that define various properties of the entity.

Q: How to use the Eye of Ender?

  • Activating End Portals

After crafting an eye of ender, the user can throw it into the air and gradually let it lead them to a nearby end portal in the stronghold. After locating the portal, the user can place the eye of ender in each of the slots of the end portal frame to activate the portal. The Eye of Ender is capable of floating through solid blocks, as it leads a player to a stronghold, so digging may be required. It is even possible for it to float straight into the End Portal itself.

  • Locating strongholds

When the eye of ender is thrown, it will float diagonally upward for about 15 blocks, emitting a trail of purple particles. Eyes of Ender will float in the air for approximately three seconds before either falling back to the ground as a collectible item that can be used again or shattering (an explosion of particles, which has a one in five chance of occurring). When a player throws an Eye of Ender within around 20 blocks of a stronghold, the Eye of Ender will float towards (or into) the ground.

Q: How many Eyes of Enders do you need to find a stronghold?

Eye of Enders can shatter usually when thrown into the air for locating strongholds, so you can’t do it with one. You’ll need around 4 to 6 Eyes of Enders for a happy hunting session.


From a third person’s view. The Eye of Ender flies out from a person’s feet rather than his hands.

The player cannot throw eyes of ender in the Nether, the End, or Customized and Superflat worlds that do not have stronghold generation selected.

In Bedrock edition, if the Eye of Ender travels beyond a certain radius, about 74,000 blocks, they will always point to a stronghold near the spawn, even though strongholds generate after this limit too. You can witness Eye of Enders suddenly switching directions after flying past this limit.


Now that you know all the fundamental knowledge about the Eye of Enders, you can make and use them with a little effort. Eye of Enders are delicate things, but with a little patience you’ll be locating strongholds and activating end portals in no time. As a disclaimer, make sure you’re fully prepared with health, armor, and swords before you attempt to activate the portal.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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