22 Best Self Help Books to Read in Your 20s: Self-help books can be very powerful and inspiring. They can really influence a lot of one’s life. So I will share with you some of the self-help books for women in their 20s. Books are your best, best friends. If you have the right book in your hand, then it definitely can be life-changing for you. It is said right that a great book can turn the course of where you are leading to and make it land on the right path.
Have you ever thought of going through the amazing book collection at your library? Or you just sit there in utter stress to complete your assignments at the very end of the semester? Doesn’t the smell of those books attract you?

Inspiring your journey, one story at a time. #LifeFalcon.
Reading novels or inspirational books is not every body’s cup of tea. The majority of my friends consider it a waste of time. What I know is that they probably have no idea about what a book can do or let’s say what a great book can do. It can make you feel stronger or more ambitious.
It can make you cry and at the same time, some books can make you as happy as anything! Some might give you the best advice for your life or love life. And then there are books which will teach you about how you can control several situations.
So what I really want to say here is that books can be your best companion in almost all various phases of your life. Ladies adore reading books. The female squad has this hobby more in comparison to men. They love reading books that sound dramatic, wonderful and inspirational.
They change your life or thinking in one way or another. They might change your life in the slightest manner but that matters a lot at all. And that is the great book that you have had needed since all your life. And that is a book that you can recommend to your fellows as well.
So as I said earlier that women do love to read books…they remain higher in rate when it comes to having reading as a hobby. Thus, here are some amazing books that can inspire you in several ways and make you think, change you and motivate you in different manners. So are you ready to get some amazing information about these books ladies? Then let’s just get started with it, shall we?
So if you are looking for some great motivation related to life, career, and love, you need a great book to be your friend all the way, right?
And obviously, I am here to help you out with it. Anyways, let’s get started with the top 10 books that everyone must read if they are looking for inspiration! KUDOS!
Anyways, let’s get started with the top 10 books that everyone must read if they are looking for inspiration!
Click on the book images below to buy them from Amazon.
Table of Content
“Bossy-pants” by Tina Fey
Tina Fey is one of the most famous writers of today’s time. She is inspiring the world by her books. This book Bossy-pants is for those ladies who want to be something in their life.
This book is based on the life of a working woman her journey how she started her career and her hard work to achieve something.
So if you have just entered your career life and you think that your life is totally over and you won’t be able to manage it all you have to grab this book right away and see how a woman wears the bossy pants and deals with the tough situations.
You can say that this book will tell you how to woman it all!
ON THE ROAD by Jack Kerouac:
You are young in your twenties. It feels like you have been left open in the world, on your own, for the very first time.
This book encompasses all those feelings that a young person feels in difficult situations.
YES PLEASE by Amy Poehler
Sometimes it is good to bring in some spark to your life with a great comic book, isn’t it?
And Amy Poehler just goes to another level with this amazing book of hers. With trials and victories and that special spark of comedy, Yes Please is a must read for y’all in your twenties.
I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people who dream and support and do things.
“Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg
This book is based on the bitter reality of our society.
Society never accepts a woman as a leader and Sheryl Sandberg has discussed what a woman can do if she comes into power; how she can change the world with power and how a woman can mold a society. I guess it’s enough said!
“He’s Just Not That into You” by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
This book is going to help you a lot if you are trying to know a man deeply.
If you are in a relationship and you really want to know that whether your boyfriend loves you or not then this can be so happening, after reading this book.
The authors of this book have described how you can get know that your relationship can go further or not or you should find someone else who can understand your feelings better.
“You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay:
Ladies never forget their past easily and they carry all the hardships and pain which they suffered from in their tiny little heart (poor man though).
This book is based on how a woman should forget her past by living her life according to her desires.
This world can be the most beautiful place and any women can change her world if she decides to eradicate her past from her mind and heart in a positive manner.
You can make your life more beautiful and peaceful if you forget all of your fears.
The answer to the riddle is ME by David Stuart MacLean:
If you are someone who is fighting amnesia and goes into depression now and then; this book is made for you.
The Answer to The Riddle Is Me is all a memoir of a man who suffered from amnesia and even after it is gone, he feels depression around him.
However, how he still manages to rebuild his life, is the riddle in all.
Sadness isn’t something you get to get out of, by being smart. You don’t get to outwit this. You will have to deal with the pain at some point.
“Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert:
Struggle is the key to success we have heard this quote many times.
You cannot achieve your aim without hard-work. This book is for every woman who wants to become something in her life by leaving all the pain of her past behind her.
So if you are looking for a key to start a new and fresh life then this book is the perfect thing for you.
Grab it and make a fresh start this very second because tomorrow is an excuse that never really comes to life.
“Codependent No More” by Melody Beattie:
Women always prefer the needs of others before their own needs. This book is for every women who want to make her life better without thinking about anyone else.
This book guides you how to spend a happy life without tensions and problems. You need to consider self-love before loving someone else and dropping every piece of you into others.
So just make sure to read this one and realize how important it is to start caring for your own self.
“The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood:
This book is a story of a girl whose ATM card stops working because her bank account got frozen this book revolves around the life of a girl who face so many problems.
It is a perfect book which can be read by the people of every age. This book is mostly loved by the youngsters.
Think And Grow
Written by a versatile author named Napoleon Hill, this book provides the reader with a great insight into bringing about positive improvements in your personality.
It adds richness to your life not by gaining wealth but through gaining appreciation and love for the living.
The need to have a passion for whatever you do and the requirement of a burning desire to meet your goals and objectives are some of the essential components of successful living.
The book guides the reader about gaining the ability to make a master alliance of your skills and talent and use it positively to attain your desires.
“As You Think” by James Allen
Written by one of the best authors of self-development books, As You think is a masterpiece to success.
The author James Allen writes about how you can transform your thinking process and use it to empower your professional and individual lives.
The book reminds us of the power of our daily thoughts and how to use them as a driving force for the attainment of goals and objectives.
Those who have read it want to read it again and again.
The book is an inspiration for all readers and compels us towards the positive utilization of our skills and mental capabilities.
“Grace for President” by Kelly DiPucchio:
Well, this book is loved by the kids and it’s their all-time favorite.
After reading this book your children are going to talk about independence and leadership. Kids like to read interesting books and this book is perfect for them.
For all those women who want their kids to read something meaningful and make them realize the importance of leadership; you need to get your kids this book! This is extremely inspirational!
“Where’d You Go Bernadette” by Maria Semple:
“Where’d You Go Bernadette” is a perfect combination of emotions, fun, and entertainment. This book is loved by teenagers. You can share this book with your teenage son and teenage daughter.
Why it’s a great book?
It tells us how to bring a balance between work, marriage, and parenthood without losing yourself. If you are having trouble managing it all then buy this book and see how you can perfectly balance your life and make it mess-free!
“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho:
“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and get up eight times.”
This book will certainly bring in the small voice from within you and will make you trust it for once and all.
The Alchemist is a wonderful journey about pursuing your dreams and tells you to keep listening to yourself and that voice within you.
“The Confidence Code” by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman:
This book is based on every woman’s life. All the problems that they have to face in life just because of their gender; female! Even in this modern world, a lot of women lack confidence.
However, this book can be very helpful for women who cannot stand confidently amongst people.
The Confidence Code can help you gain confidence and breakthrough all the different fears of life to avail something that you have always wanted to.
“WILD” by Cheryl Strayed:
If you feel like you are lost and you don’t have the capacity to endure a lot, this one is certainly for you.
“Fear is born of a story we tell ourselves. So, I chose to tell myself a different story. I decided I was safe, I was strong and I was brave.”
Wild is a story that brings in emotions like being lost, disillusionment, and healing while being on a 1000 mile solo journey.
“The opposite of loneliness” by Marina Keegan:
This book is a collection of short stories and essays which Marina Keegan left us with. She died in a car accident in 2012.
However, this collection brings in a wonderful experience of college, situations and brings in the importance of life itself.
Once you go through this piece of the book, you will see how precious life actually is and what you are uncertain about is; do you have the next second on your own or not?
“Not that kind of girl” by Lena Dunham:
This book is a twenty-something girl and is for all the people who are in their twenties.
It opens you to the truths of today and sometimes they are too relatable that they are nothing but scary for you.
There is nothing gustier to me than a person announcing that their story is the one that deserves to be told, especially if that person is a woman.
“The virgin way” by Richard Branson
The author of this book is the founder of the multi-billion dollar business empire called the British Virgin Group.
With the establishment and success of more than 400 companies under his belt, Richard Branson has shared his managerial and entrepreneurial experiences in his latest book.
Known as the Virgin way, the book highlights Branson’s insane methods of leadership and the ability to grasp success in all his projects.
He lays the foundation of his success in his art of listening to others and the ability to engage people around him.
“The Essential Drucker” by Peter F. Drucker
Anyone who has the slightest knowledge about marketing and business must have heard the name of this legendary author called Peter Drucker.
His theories of modern management are a beacon of knowledge for business students all across the globe.
Although he is no more in the world, this book provides a collection of some of his best essays and writings.
The book provides the reader with a great source of gaining information about improving one’s managerial skills and ability to deal with people in the best possible manner.
“Spark” by John J. Ratey MD
Like the name of this book, its reading creates a spark in our inner self and boosts our ambitions to do more in life.
The name of the book’s author is John Ratey. It provides a detailed analysis of some of the most recent researches and scientific discoveries that relieve the power of exercise.
Working out and meditation can help in the transformation of our mental capabilities, our performing ability, improvement in productivity, and bringing about resistance towards stress and anxiety.
Anyone reading this book once will be doing an excellent favor to him or herself.
To Sum Up
A lot of people tend to say that females love to read books more as compared to males. As far as I think…books are for everyone. I see boys enjoying novels too. But obviously, there are specific tastes according to gender. I would hardly expect a man in his twenties read.
Twenties can be really tricky! They are a bit trickier than teenage life. You have to act as an adult because you are finally an adult now and the expectations of everyone around you are extremely high so I will be sharing the books to read in your 20s that helped me a lot.
You have no reason for your hyper behavior and you need to turn into a calmer person. Gone are the sweet days when you could yell your lungs out and your parents termed that as hormonal changes. You are no longer in the “teen” area.
However, whether you are in your teens or twenties, reading books is a lifetime habit.
A lot of people tend to say that females love to read books more as compared to males. As far as I think, books are for everyone. I see boys enjoying novels too. But obviously, there are specific tastes according to gender. I would hardly expect a man in his twenties read.
If you are 20 and are looking for some amazing and inspiring books, then you have dropped by the right place. Books can be a great source of inspiration and they make you feel motivated and joyous.