iRestore Pro VS iRestore Essential | Which one is Better?

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During our research on iRestore Essential VS Professional, we found that in a world where, by the age of 35, around 40% of the people are affected by hair loss. It gives us great joy to introduce you to two similar yet somehow different products that are going to help bring life to your hair.

Using these products for a couple of minutes every other day, while you sit and watch your favorite TV show or do whatever you feel like doing is all you need.

Restore is certainly a revolutionary product in the hair treatment industry. We also

The lasers situated in the inner side of the cap go on to your head and they are absorbed by your hair follicles.

Once the lasers are absorbed, they improve cell metabolism and stimulate blood circulation and continued use for the recommended amount of time ensures re-growth of the hair that you have lost and the existing hair that you have started to grow fuller and thicker. 

Using the iRestore is as easy as it could have possibly been, put it on your head and plug it into the pin adapter.

You need to use it for 25 minutes daily. It starts with one beep then after 25 minutes when you are done there’s a long beep indicating that the session has ended.

There is also a pause button on it in case you need to do something in between just press the pause button and another press on the same button will resume your session.

For a proper course, you need to use it for 16 weeks straight to see results. 

iRestore Professional Vs Essential Model

Irestore vs essential

The company has released two versions of iRestore so far, The iRestore Professional released in June 2019, two years after the iRestore essential. Both the iRestore Professional and Essential though work in the same manner and are pretty much supposed to accomplish the same goal, to some extent there are few differences between these two.

Both of these devices use Low-Level Laser Therapy(LLLT), a type of procedure that applies low power lasers or LEDs to the surface of the body. This then stimulates and enhances your cell growth which then causes your hair to regrow, resulting in stronger, thicker, and fuller-looking hair. While these two devices may look and function pretty much similarly, there are some key differences.

In this article, we are going to compare the iRestore Pro with the Essential and you’ll get to know which one of these might be the best choice for you.

Lasers and LEDs

Laser and LEDs are something that these devices both have in common. The iRestore Professional version comes with 282 Lasers and LEDs. The number is more than five times higher than the 51 Lasers and LEDs on the iRestore essential version which is also a reason for the “PRO” name.

You can see that there is a visual difference between the Lasers and LEDs underneath the cap.

You must be wondering why the newer version comes with a much higher number of Lasers and LEDs than the essential version.

The reason is pretty visible from the name itself. The iRestore essential is designed to hit the places where you are most likely to lose hair.

This means that it mainly focuses on the front side and on the top side of your head, the places where baldness in men is most likely to start off. 

The pro version on the other hand gives more coverage and covers all your head delivering more power and light therapy to your scalp.

This version will cover most of the areas of your head including the major parts of your backside and the sides of your head, something that the essential version lacks.

The 282 Medical Grade Lasers make the iRestore pro very power full, very efficient, and gives you quicker and better results.

The design and the increased comfort we’ll talk about later in this article are just cherries on top but the bigger improvement is the laser itself.

The newer laser is specially designed to pace up the process. The company insists on using the iRestore Pro instead of the iRestore essential based on the situation of your head.

So, if you have been through a severe hair loss and most of the area on your head including the sides and the back have been affected then you should go for the Pro.

However, if your hair loss just started and most of the areas of your head’s rear, the sides and the middle part are fine, which is often the case with people who just started to lose their hair, then iRestore essential just might do the trick for you.

Should everyone use these devices?

Not everyone suffering from baldness is recommended to use these devices.

There is a questionnaire that

Physical Differences

Besides all the other differences of features of iRestore Professional vs. Essential, there are obvious visible dissimilar physical features too.

Design and Weight: The iRestore Pro is a bit more streamlined and sleek looking than the Essential.

With this improvement in the design in iRestore Professional vs. Essential, the Pro also weighs a couple of ounces less than the Essential.

The iRestore pro is 1.27 pounds whereas the iRestore essentially weighs 1.34 pounds. This means that iRestore pro will cause less strain on your head and just sits snugger on your head.

The New Red Trim: The Pro has been launched with a very pleasing red trim around the edge with only three foam pads built right into the rim of the helmet as a replacement of the five pads on essential also ditching the extra support head-band because there just isn’t need for one on the new Pro.

Differences in the Controller

The new iRestore Pro’s controller comes with a rather thinner and comparatively longer cable. You’ll love to see the slimmer and compact controller on the Pro. However, the controller adapters haven’t been changed, so your adapters from the last version will function nicely on the newer too.

Battery Life

Another new feature of iRestore pro vs The iRestore Essential is that though they both come with battery packs but, the Battery pack on the pro gives a longer battery life.

The 1880mAh battery pack with belt clip on the Pro version is though a bit smaller in size than the one on the essential version but the improved technology is built to last longer.

The battery on the iRestore professional lasts for around two weeks after a one time recharge ensuring that you have a much better experience than the previous version.

So if convenience is the key for you then you should surely go for the iRestore Professional. 

The battery pack with the new pro also uses a magnetic charging mechanism found only on the pros controller, so your battery packs from the previous version won’t fit on the new pro if you have upgraded from the essential version.

Built Quality

Comparing the built quality of iRestore Professional vs iRestore essential, there is no doubt that both of them are made with very high-quality materials.

The Pro also wins the battle here with a slightly improved built quality. You can just bang around both of these devices and drop them multiple times but they’ll practically look brand new and scratches.

This marvelous quality is common comparing both iRestore Professional vs iRestore essential, but the pro version is somewhat a bit improved.

Less Bulky

The iRestore pro is a little less bulky that makes it feel more secure on your head. This also adds an additional point for the Pro with a better fit and more comfort.

The new increased guarantee period

iRestore has also done clinical trials and in those clinical trials a hundred percent of the users saw increased hair growth, this allowed them to give a month back guarantee on their products.  

Previously, the company used to offer a 6 months money-back guarantee if you weren’t able to see any positive results with the iRestore Essential. But, with the new and improved iRestore Pro, the company now gives you a one-year money-back guarantee in case the product doesn’t work.

 Not to mix this up, the extended guarantee period is not only for the new iRestore Pro but also for the previous iRestore essential.

The reason is that besides the features in the pro, the company also explains and suggests which versions to choose based on your condition.

Though there are improved features in the new version, choosing a version really depends upon your needs and hence the company now gives a 12-month money-back guarantee and even pays the return shipping fee itself. 

Pros and Cons

The two devices share the same Pros and Cons which are as follows:


  • Easy to Use
  • Cheaper than Expensive Hair Transplants
  • Cheaper than a lifetime usage of Medications
  •  Can be used while Multitasking
  • Gives visible results as soon as a 16-week session ends


  • Won’t work if you are suffering from complete baldness( already mentioned on the box)

With all the features discussed, both the devices function pretty well and help prevent hair loss.

However, The higher price of pro is well justified by the additional features and mainly by extended coverage it offers to your head.

These devices aren’t cheap but if it helps you grow your hair back, it’ll be money well spent and after all, they are still much cheaper than getting a hair transplant or spending money on creams and medicines that you have to use for the rest of your life. 

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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