Which Side of Your Brain is Creative?

Which Side of Your Brain is Creative?: Creativity can play a crucial role in one’s life, as it can be a turning point, and your ideas can be changed into reality. Creativity helps you to find new ideas hidden in different ways, unveiled patterns, to find beauty in everything, and come up with solutions to problems quickly. Creativity involves two necessary steps, i.e. thinking and production.

But how do we measure creativity?

A question is asked from the most creative people on how they do it or what idea has struck through their brain? So a lot of people feel guilty about it because they don’t know about the point of arising as they thought it pretty simple and obvious. That’s how creative people are producing things.

From bringing things out of imagination into reality, it requires a lot of passion, commitment, and determination because without this, you’ll hardly get anything done and creativity was left in a hue of thoughts.

The unique thing about creativity is that it varies from person to person because of the difference in their ideas and their creativeness.

Left Side vs Right Side – Which is More Creative?

Left Side vs Right Side - Which is More Creative?

Recently, the ways how our brain thinks and works has become a new area of interest for scientists because it is still the most exciting phenomenon and yet hidden.

The brain plays a crucial role in the creativity hidden in it, and scientists are still intrigued to understand the complexity hidden in it. Creativity itself is one of the most complex human behaviors. It requires multiple regions of the brain to play a role in the execution of any task.

As the theory has been proposed that people are right part dominant or left side dominant meaning their side of the brain is dominant on the other part. Suppose you think in a certain analytical and systematic way. In that case, it is believed that an individual is left-brained.

But on the contrary, if you have a more creative and artistic side of your personality, then the individual is right-brained.

The right brain is more visualizing and strongly intuitive as compared to the left side. It is often called an Analog side of the brain as the right side is more creative and has less organized thinking patterns.

Recent research has shown that the right side of the brain is connected with

  • Imaginary thoughts.
  • Comprehensive thinking.
  • Telepathic cues.

Whereas, the left side of the brain is more linked in analytical, verbal, and is more arranged than the right side of the brain. The left side is also called a Digital brain portion. The left side is also better in activities like estimation, writing, and reading.

The left brain is also linked to some other activities according to Sperry’s dated research

  • Logical thinking
  • Sequence patterns
  • linear thinking
  • mathematics
  • facts
  • thinking in words

According to a study conducted at the University of Utah, on this theory of which side of the brain is more creative. Brain scan has shown a similar activity on both sides regardless of an individual’s personality.

Other creative parts of the human brain

Other creative parts of the human brain

There are millions of theories and experiments conducted on this approach. The belief is that only one part region of the brain is included in the full and final execution of creativity and unique ideas hidden inside the brain. However, scientists have conducted several experiments and mentioned down some of the other parts of the brain that has shown their activity as well when it comes to creativeness.

Starting with,

  • Frontal cortex

It has been believed for a very long that the frontal cortex is the hub of all creativity. Based on being involved with all the decisions associated with creative thoughts (such as working or memorizing).

  • Hippocampus

Hippocampus is known for its memorization functioning that has been declared long ago, such as memorizing facts and experiences for your future. The process performed by the hippocampus is to store and retrieve, are the essential pieces of these memories to where this information is collecting, i.e. cortex.

Similarly, when it comes to creative processes, the hippocampus also performs the same function as remembering experience to pull out a picture together of different past experiences. The hippocampus helps in imagination and finding a clear vision which you might not have thought of in your past.

  • Basal ganglia

The deep structure deep within the brain is the basal ganglia. Basal ganglia help memorization skills or restore specific activity in your mind for future purposes. This thought process can also include the information that has been thought directly, such as riding a bicycle.

It requires time and a lot of practice for the execution of creative tasks, for you to get better in such activities. As they say, that practice makes the man perfect, no one has thought of it, but this also involves brain practices.

  • White matter

The brain consists of 2 parts, white and grey matter. White matter constitutes up all the connections interlinked between various regions of the brain. It is supposed that if the part of the brain are connected better, so the brain can perform and process a lot faster, comparatively, than other parts of the brain that are not connected.

Creative processes, ask for a better linkage of your brain parts as well as the past information that allows an individual to come up with more unique and exceptional ideas, more quickly too.

What scientists have to say about the creativity of the brain?

What scientists have to say about the creativity of the brain?

Studies experimented to know, whenever any damage occurs to any particular part of the brain does it also affects the abilities of your brain and the functional abilities attached with it. The authority was given to researchers to conduct an experimental study on this particular disability of the mind after an injury and also to look to that specific part of the brain too.

Scientists additionally have portrayed this theory as if any part of the brain area is somehow damaged or missing; will it allow a person to do certain activities? This investigation of brain working is also called Functional mapping to know which part of the brain is working actively.

The activities involved in measuring brain activity include two technologies which are functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), this technique involves magnetic fields for observing the movement of blood that bring energy elements to the part of the brain that is working actively. The second technique involves, and electroencephalography (EEG), which measures the electrical activity of the brain.

To look at a comparison between both different activities of the brain, the scientists took images of both test fMRI and EEG of participants who have performed the other task involving different creativity levels and coming up with unique creative ideas.

The results showed by EEG; when a participant is coming up with an innovative idea, he starts to have a synchronized (firing together) brain activity in his frontal cortex and parietal lobes. Simultaneously, in an fMRI study, we have seen more creative responses at the activation/ usage of the frontal cortex in the left hemisphere.

As we combine the results of both the test, the scientists concluded that it wouldn’t be fair to say that only one part of the brain is involved in creative thinking and activity.

Bottom Line

No matter how much we debate on which part is more creative or not. The thing is that we all know, working on complicated algebra equations or if you do abstract artwork, both sides of the brain are equally involved. It took active participation and gave out the desire information required by the brain.

No one is genuinely left-brained or right-brained. However, these are some skills that can be mastered with time while allowing your brain to strengthen it and continue giving it a broad horizon. Studies have proofed that an average healthy human mind is capable of learning anything and conquering limitless creativity, lifelong. Studies have proved that an average healthy human brain is capable of learning anything and beating endless creativity, lifelong.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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