Learn Something New in 5 Minutes – 8 Must Learn Things

Learn Something New in 5 Minutes – 8 Must Learn Things: Learn Something New in 5 Minutes – Yes 5 minutes. There are a lot of skills that you need to learn and master but they might take weeks or months to master.

For example, a man who wants to be chef will be mastering the art of cooking for it and it will take him months to do so. Likewise, an artist will be mastering his skills over time.

However, there are other skills as well which are as important as everything else and can be learned within no time.

These skills can help you be smarter and better in daily life.

They are helpful and you can master them within a matter of minutes. You really don’t know when you will be told by your boss to create a logo in Photoshop or maybe you are stuck in the middle of a road with a punctured tire.

Before reading further, make sure you also check out “Skills every man should have“.

Also, if you have some more time to spare, you may be interested in the following as well:

Learn Something New in 5 Minutes

So here is a list of skills that can be learned in 5 minutes or so and will be helping you daily or for a long time!

How to change a tire?

Choosing the best tire

I mentioned it above so yes it took the first place on my list. When you start to drive your own car, it is important to know how to mend the small issues that come along with the package of driving.

This does sound a little unimportant but you never know when you will need to change one. So don’t think that this isn’t essential. You should know how to change a tire!

The must-have gadget during that situation is the smart tire pressure monitoring system.

Identify great and Fresh Fruits


We all feel heartbroken when we spend so much on fruits and they turn out to be rotten!

This happens a lot with strawberries and oranges. So smell them before you buy them. If they look great but don’t smell amazing, they won’t be any good.

Smelling fruits is the key to getting the best ones in your hands.

Fast reading

Read more

People, who usually read aloud, are the ones who read slowly. Learn to read with your eyes only.

First, because you cannot read aloud everywhere and second reading with your eyes is faster.

Reading fast can be a great skill to master at the workplace and can make you quicker than all your other workmates. Who doesn’t want a simple “plus point” at work?

Learn the Art of Packing

Pop Clogged Ears After a Flight

It is so hard for most of us to pack everything in one bag for a 3-5 day tour. People who carry 2-3 bags at small tours seem very annoying to the entire group. So it is better to master the art of packing.

You can obviously watch demos on YouTube. It is flooded with some of the best tutorials for packing things efficiently.

These videos also show you how to pack things without wrinkling them. Now that is a great plus point for sure, isn’t it?

And what’s in the packing without this smart bag.

Keeping the Pizza Crust crispy

Italian Neapolitan pizza

We lose the crisp of pizza crust after it has been in the refrigerator overnight, don’t we? That sucks because that part is an all-time favorite. So learning how to keep your pizza crust crispy after heating it in a microwave is important.

When you reheat a pizza in the microwave, place a glass of water along with it.

This way the water absorbs all the microwaves and the pizza crust remains crisp. The glass of water acts more like an energy sink!

Calming down your Nervousness

gratitude and yoga

We all get nervous in different situations. Chewing gum constantly can help you escape this.

If you are heading out for anything that makes you nervous then chew a gum along the way as it calms down nervousness greatly.

To Sleep Faster

baby sleep

When we usually lie down, a lot of us go into the dreamland and we think that sleep is not coming to us. That is wrong; it is actually on way but we decide to unfollow it.

Follow the pattern of the dreamland and keep enjoying the visions. Keep yourself up and keep looking into those dreams and patterns and you won’t notice when you will soon fall asleep.

It is all about following those patterns as they are leading you towards sleep eventually.

Skills aren’t the “larger than life” ones only! Some small skills can make life easier and better.

What is a pizza if its crust isn’t crispy? I mean life seems so dumb at that moment! And you do look weird in the midst of the road wishing someone could help you change your car’s tire!

So just learn these little and easy skills and make life easier.

Now, let’s dig deeper,  Let’s look at some points which you can learn in just 5 minutes. It’s all about understanding them.

6 Problem Solving Techniques you can learn

Mechanical Engineering Jobs

Problem Solving Techniques: Life is so filled with surprises and more than half of these surprises are our daily routine problems. Whenever you are finally free from issues, life comes in and pops in another set of problems for you. So in all, we cannot skip the problems in our life. What we can do is to make ourselves trained to solve those problems in the best manner and don’t allow other things in our life to be affected by them. They say it right:

Life is not about finding a shelter to stay dry from rain…it is about learning to dance in it.

And you can only dance in the rain of problems if you have the perfect problem-solving skills. These are important in life. You are not going to solve all the problems of your life like a pro if you can solve your algebra equations. Practical life problems are much tougher than them. So here are some ways or to be exact, here are 6 ways to enhance your problem-solving skills.

Don’t Become the Victim:

Whenever a problem occurs, we become its victim as we start to panic. The problem might not be that big but we make it big through panicking and allowing ourselves to fall prey to it. Stop blaming fate for it and don’t whine about why this did happen to me or why my life is so miserable. Just relax and after you settle down, question yourself about HOW you can solve the issue. Whining about it won’t solve it, right?

Stop Indulging your Emotions in it:

We all make a mountain out of a molehill, don’t we? Don’t do that! If you get successful with the first step and don’t become a victim of the problem then this second step will be quite easy for you. Stop letting your emotions drive in this. There is always a solution to everything and that is why they say that nothing is impossible. So once you stop being over-emotional, you are going to see endless solutions as your vision will be clearer.

Every Problem is Not meant to be Shared:

Humans look for a shoulder to cry on about simply every problem that occurs in life. But if you are sensible, you will know which problem has to be kept within you and which problem can be shared. Try not sharing your problems with a lot of people as they will have tons of different advice to give you and that will confuse you more. Remember that you know yourself the best and your own solutions will be the best ones to solve any problem in your life.

Understand your Problem:

Many times the problem isn’t what we think the problem. It is better to define your problem, to yourself clearly, before you dive into solving it. The best way to do this is to find the core reason for the problem and why it occurred in the first place. Ask yourself questions like what is the actual problem, are you making any self-assumptions or is this problem avoidable? This will help you find the right answers and the problem as well.

What is the Cause of the Problem?

You need to find why and how the problem happened. Was it someone who made this problem stands up for you? If so then why did they do it? Finding the core reason for your problem is going to help you in finding the best solution to it as well. This is why I said above that not every problem can be shared because everyone’s views and advice are going to vary and you won’t ever get to a solid conclusion.

Brainstorm and Make a Decision:

Your brain is going to bring in 101 solutions to you but you obviously cannot act up to all of them. So the best way is to brainstorm all the solutions you think of. Then make a decision that which solution is going to be the best for you. And will also solve the problem for sure. Don’t linger on the decision-making the process. As this might increase the problem and your motivation to solve it might start weakening as well. This can make you hopeless and you wouldn’t want that.

Having someone to share your problems with is great. But you need to learn to walk your road, on your own. Try solving your ups and downs and know how you can skillfully handle the problems of your life. This is certainly going to demand some nerves. But you will see how it will help you in flourishing as a better person. It will also promote your self-growth and make you more confident.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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