High Income Skills To Make 4 To 6 Figures A Month

High Income Skills To Make 4 To 6 Figures A Month: What are high income skills?

They can be any skill you learn to make money.

You do not need a Harvard degree to make 4-6 figures a month, all you need is a set of high income skills to enhance your money-making ability.

You do not have to be the CEO of a company or an underworld don to have 4-6 figures in your bank account every month. Learning a couple of effective skills can do the deed.

Not having to think thrice before buying a croissant every morning before going to work sounds good, right? Not having to spend hours in making budget lists and schedules also sounds good.

The question remains, how to get there?

Having these skills is a blessing not everyone is blessed with. It requires the correct cards at the right moment to grasp a handful of these.

The world is moving towards modernity every passing day. In times like these, having financial security and independence is a necessity. Doing a conventional job is not sufficient to attain this security.

Learning such skills can offer you a lifetime financial security since these skills are evergreen. Once you learn them and get a hand of them, you can make use out of it forever.

They range from technology to linguistics. You can find it according to your expertise and master it for a handsome earning of 4-6 figures a month.

There are several IT-related courses available online to take similarly there are a number of courses related to other money skills as well.

Learning these high income skills not only guarantees you a good pay, but it also ensures that you go along the changing job market well.

Moreover, high income skills help you enhance your talent through the process of learning them.

Keeping aside the idea of getting a highly paid job, learning high income skills can also help you with entrepreneurship. It can help your inner business spirit come out with a bang and lots of talent.

Below mentioned are 10 skills that will help you make 4-6 figures a month.

Make sure you also check out our post on “Learn something new in 5 minutes“.

So are you ready to bid farewell to all your budget-related worries?

Copywriting/ Content Writing:

Copywriting is the skill to write advertisements and ads for websites and social media applications. It requires the user to write content related to the nature of the website.

This can be a high income skill since it is related to social media marketing and businesses nowadays hire marketers and copywriters more than usual.

Online businesses are outpouring hence the demand for copywriters is increasing every day. Specializing in this field can help you earn a good amount of money every month.

If you have the skill to write and a great hold over English, register yourself for a copywriting course, and earn 4-6 figures a month using this skill.

Content writing includes writing articles, blogs, website content, academic writing, technical writing, and ghostwriting.

These can be learned and specialized through practice and related courses to enhance the writer’s English and grip overwriting.

Content writing has a great scope and can help you make a good earning in return for delivering your words to grasp the attention of readers.

Software and website development:

This is not only a great high income skill, but software and web development will also help you evolve and learn different things throughout your journey.

If you are a tech-savvy, do nothing and enroll yourself for a software and website development course immediately.

This skill can be practiced as a full-time in-house job as well as you can work as a freelancer.

Moreover, software and website development apply to multiple fields. You can work for an IT company, gaming company, corporate company or even a lifestyle blog!

The target market for software and website developer is vast and has room for many people to continue it as their career.

This skill will require you to design websites for businesses as well as design unique software for certain applications.

This high income skill can help you make 4-6 figures a month easily if you master your service and enhance your skill of website and software development.

Digital marketing:

In this era of Instagram and Facebook, digital marketers are truly valued. Their demand in the market is increasing every day.

Social media marketing is a thing nowadays and every business is hiring social media marketers for their content and products to be optimized.

Bloggers can now earn money through their social media accounts if their digital marketing is on point. This high income skill can surely help you earn 4-6 figures a month through implementing unique digital marketing strategies.

A marketer is supposed to target a specific audience and optimize content according to the audience. They are supposed to generate and design websites, accounts, and blogs in a way that attracts the audience.

Moreover, social media and digital marketers are responsible for website ranking and SEO (search engine optimization) of websites. This increases the content’s potential reach and makes it easier to reach the targeted audience.

Social media and digital marketing is a highly paid skill. The market has room for new marketers since the number of new entrepreneurs and companies are increasing day by day.

And what is a business without good marketing? Nothing.

Artificial Intelligence:

If you think that AI means a blue and gold world full of robots, you are wrong. Artificial intelligence is nothing related to robots.

It is a way to intensify human intelligence. This sounds interesting, and learning this high income skill to make money sounds even more interesting.

This skill will teach you the process of designing artificial programs that will help in modernizing machinery to perform certain tasks. These machines can be computers, cell-phones, etc.

There are specific scientists and engineers who can excel in this field. They include computer engineers, data analysts, business intelligence specialists, machine engineers, and so on.

If specialized properly, this skill can help you earn a lot of money. This is a unique skill and the market is not saturated with people claiming to be AI specialists.

Moreover, learning Artificial Intelligence is also extremely interesting and can ensure your attention fully!

The market is saturated with those basic skills, learning and specializing in a relatively new skill like Artificial Intelligence can be interesting and can provide financial certainty for sure, unlike other conventional jobs and careers.

Teaching and Coaching:

Teaching students means that you are raising an entire generation. You will determine their personalities (nurture) big time.

With such a huge responsibility, it requires talent and the skill to be a great teacher and a coach. This can be a high income skill if mastered according to the requirements of a great teacher.

Teaching and coaching are not limited to teaching students in schools and colleges, there are many more variations.

You can be a cooking teacher, a makeup or self-grooming teacher, sports coach, gym trainer, career counselor or a motivational speaker/mentor. The options are countless if you have the skill to deliver information to other individuals effectively.

Teaching and coaching require a lot of patience and commitment hence this high income skill is not for short-tempered people, sadly.

Moreover, this can help you earn a good amount of money since you can target your area of expertise and excel in it. This will help you master it and earn great money out of it.

In order to make good money, your deliverance of information and teaching style should be unique, understandable, and interesting.

This will help you earn 46 figures a month by implementing the skill of teaching and coaching. Sounds interesting and fun, right?

Public Speaking:

If you have good speaking skills and confidence to speak in front of a crowd, why have you still not enrolled yourself for a debating or public speaking course?

This is a high income skill as well a boost for your self-confidence and self-esteem. Learning the skill of public speaking can help you earn good money as well as increase your social capital.

Moreover, if your words have the power to bring a change, or motivate and inspire people, the feedback and appreciation you receive is immense and it will increase your self-esteem and soul-satisfaction to another level.

You can either implement this skill through your own YouTube channel or something related, or you can do in-house motivational speeches and public speaking.

If you have learned and perfected your public speaking skills, there are several fields to work in. You can choose your area of expertise and start boosting your bank account with lots and lots of money.

You can choose to become a human rights speaker, corporative speaker, news anchor, and the options are vast if you know the skill.

Master this high income skill to earn lots and lots of money every month!

Closing and Sales Expert:

Ticket closing and selling are beyond just persuading the other person to buy a $15 dollar shirt. It is a process of closing, dealing, handling, and follow-up.

This high-income skill is remarkable if it is learned and executed correctly. Everybody can sell things, however the skill of closing is what will help you earn 4-6 figures a month.

Repeatedly selling the same product to multiple clients is also an art. This requires the seller to have in-depth information regarding the product, customer, and market.

There is also a difference in learning the skill and implementing it and doing it with no background of learning.

It is not necessary to do a long degree in finance however a short course or detailed research is important to master the skill of selling and closing.

Once you have learned the skill of selling and closing, you can sell products with a big monetary value using your skill. This will differentiate you from other sellers.

Moreover, selling and closing will also help you earn good money every month. These high-income skills are indirect boosters for your bank accounts.

Content Creation:

Content creation can be done for digital web-pages as well as print magazines and newspapers.

It is not only limited to writing but includes numerous other things in order to make the content worth reading. This skill is an interesting and great way to make good money.

If you have a creative mind loaded with unique ideas, learn the skill of content creation. This skill can let you have a Starbucks coffee every morning, tempted enough?

Content creation is required in almost every industry – our film industry need content creators, journalists need content creators, IT technologist need content creators, and the list goes on…

You can be a content creator by being a photographer, videographer, editor, writer, cartoonist, digital artist, etc.

Once you have identified your field of expertise, you can master this high income with the help of research and relevant courses to help you make 4-6 figures a month.


All of us have a businessman/woman spirit hiding inside us somewhere all we need to do is to bring it out.

You can enhance your entrepreneurship skills and make 4-6 figures a month. It is not as difficult as it sounds, it just requires the perfect amalgamation of creativity, self-confidence, and the correct skill.

You will be your own boss! Sounds like a dream, right? You will not end u being Steve Jobs or Bill Gates as soon as you start your business, it is a long journey and takes time and commitment hence self-determination is acutely important.

Once you have learned the skill of being an effective and successful entrepreneur, you can implement it.

It can be anything; you can start your own bakery, you can become a florist, or you can start your own corporation. You can also become a photographer or an artist, the ideas and options are endless once you know the skill to be a great entrepreneur.

The income range varies for an entrepreneur. It is a matter of commitment and the correct skill. Once you have developed both, you will start boosting your bank account with 4-6 figures a month in no time.

Administrative skills:

Managing and coordinating people can be an extremely difficult and demanding thing to do. It requires a lot of patience, kindness, and empathy to be a good manager, administrator, or coordinator.

These skills can help you make lots of money if implemented smartly and correctly. To be a great and experienced in these skills, you will have to go through a process of learning like any other skill, of course.

Your communication skills should be clear. Your style of deliverance should be on point and you should be dressed in a presentable manner.

Learning the skill of managing people is not just limited to being a manager, you can learn this skill for managing your own business more effectively and efficiently.

Being a good administrator or manager can help you tackle people effectively. This can be beneficial if you are doing a job as well as if you are an entrepreneur. This is a lifelong skill and will help you in certain times of life.


It should be noted that all these skills require some sort of learning. It is not possible to boost your bank account while you sit in your PJs and do nothing to make it happen.

Learning these them will benefit you in the longer run by determining financial security as well as expertise and experience in certain fields.

These high income skills are also not just limited to jobs and entrepreneurs. Everyone can master these skills to be effective and efficient in what they do.

The skill of administrating can be mastered by a school coordinator as well as the CEO of a company hence the skills mentioned in this article are targeting all audiences and groups.

Being an artist can also be a good skill if you enhance and develop your art skills to the point that you sell your paintings for 3-4 figures per piece.

The amount of money you make per month ultimately depends on your skills and capability to learn and improve. If you have this determination, you will start making lots of money in no time.

You can then treat yourself with that vacation you have been planning for years.

Therefore, invest your time, energy, effort, and some money to learn a money making skill and the outcome and result of it will be worth it.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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