7 Motivational Quotes From Late Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay)

7 Motivational Quotes From Late Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay): Everyone wants that inspirational key in them to go round at full speed and never set back. However, some of us do manage to push ourselves up to that level; some simply cannot. They do not get that tying inside them that tells them: “Yes you can do it.”

Are they being too ignorant to the braver and confident side of them?

Well, that can be one exception for sure. But the thing you need to understand here is: you can’t be brave all the time. It’s okay to go into rest mode and give yourself some break. It is always good to save yourself first rather than saving everyone around you.

I love being in the confident and beast mode. Like I can handle 10 different things per day and that doesn’t tire me off. But at the same time, I am no superman. Or is it wrong to say that Superman also goes on a break?

Like if there are two movies of Superman every year, he is working for like 6 months every year and the rest 6 months he goes on vacations, takes a break and goes off to bed maybe. So even the superheroes can take a break why not you?

So just understand that even if you are feeling low; your confidence, inspiration and the inner soul that makes endless efforts every day, isn’t lost.

But, feeling like this once a while is okay. However, if you are living a life that is always on an “I don’t know what to do with my life” mode, you have got to grab something that inspires you. And now don’t say that you don’t find anything inspiring enough.

There is something that inspires each one of us. So maybe you need to fetch it.

What inspires you? Have you even bothered asking yourself that? Ever inspired by quotations. And a lot of people are just like me. And trust

For instance, some people get inspired by quotations. And trust me guys, they are the simplest way to grab inspiration and make it fuel up your inner mind and soul to get up and do something for yourself.

Talking about quotations, the quotes that Muhammad Ali (RIP) had once said in his life are worth a read. He was a great fighter and his life journey is an inspiration for many. But if you are one of those people who doesn’t really know him that closely, to get inspiration from him; you can do that from his quotations!

Here I have wrapped up the most impressive and amazing 7 quotations by Muhammad Ali (RIP) which will boost the inspirational key of yours. And if this doesn’t help you; I don’t know what will!

1. I am free to what I want to be:

motivation up when you are in a rut

So when you are done faking around with the world, know that once Muhammad Ali said:

“I know where I am going and I know the truth and I don’t want to be, what you want me to be. I am free to be what I want to be.”

This quote teaches us a great lesson. It teaches us how to embrace who you really are and don’t care about what society wants you to be.

In other words. It’s your world. And you are free to do whatever you love to do. Everybody gets the same 24 hours. Its simply up to you, how you use those hours.

Just find your direction and passion in life. And chase that dream to be successful.

Whatever that dream is, it doesn’t matter because its your dream. Don’t let anybody tell you what to do.

2. Live your Life as a Champion:

Find your motivation today.

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘don’t quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

What Muhammad Ali is saying here is that the pain we suffer when we work hard is only for a little time and if one passes through that pain, s/he is a champion!

You can not avoid pain. This is the sad reality. If you want to achieve something, you have to come out of your comfort zone.

You can choose to stay in the comfort zone and stay in pain all your life.

Or you can get out of your bubble and go through the pain all at once and live the rest of your life like a champ.

3. No Risks; No Accomplishments:

motivation up when you are in a rut

Muhammad Ali has actually set the inner adventurous soul of mind on fire, with this one.

“He, who is not courageous enough to take risks, will accomplish nothing in life.”

Everybody takes risks. Everything has some risks associated with it. Big or small.

You can not move ahead in anything without taking risk.

Now the question is, why are we afraid to take risks? Well, because it may hurt us. But again like I talked about in the previous quote, we can choose to stay in our bubble and stay in pain (of not achieving dreams) or take a risk and get out of the comfort zone of ours.

So be brave. Plan ahead and get out in the open.

4. Float and Sting:

punching a boxing bag


“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”

The smarty-pants will get this one for sure. Muhammad Ali was a great boxer and this is basically a boxing reference too. The floating-like butterfly means not getting hit in the ring and getting dogged by the opponent and the Sting is of-course baam!

But I feel that this quote also teaches us that, you should just keep up on your way and stay nice to all until someone messes with you and try to pull your leg and then again BAAM!!!  Show them who is the boss.

5. No Imagination; No Wings:

Hannah Bower Struggles

Imagination is the best part of life. Remember when we just imagined something in our childhood and drew it down on a piece of paper? Those times…those times!

“The man, who has no imagination, has no wings.”

6. You are not Old until you Think you are:

Asking the Right Person

Well, that is exactly why women don’t tell their real age. They don’t want to feel old too soon. But this quotation is so true and makes you want to live more….

“Age is what you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.”


Motivation is everywhere around you and if you can gather some inspiration from some words put together; nothing beats that at all.

These quotations are nothing but an inspiration to become more confident in your life.

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