Anne Morriss and her achievements: Anne Morriss and Frances Frei have given a new vision to today’s businesses. It’s the 21st century, and the world is changing and growing day by day. The women of this century are more powerful and determinant than men. They are continuously working hard to make history with every passing day. In the present era, you can have a lot of examples of women living exemplary lives.
There are amazingly powerful women, who have proved their worth through their skills and have managed to become a prominent voice in the modern world today.

Inspiring your journey, one story at a time. #LifeFalcon.
Some stats about her, before going into detail.
Born: 11/28/1975.
Spouse: Frances X. Frei – She has two sons.
Marriage date: 2006
Social Media Profile: @annemorriss
Table of Content
Who is Anne Morriss?
Anne Morriss is a young woman leader who inspires the entire emerging leaders in the community by working hard to empower and entitle.
She is a superstar of her life as a mother, a wife, an author, an accelerator, a leader, an entrepreneur, and a builder of mission-driven companies.
She is a managing director and chief knowledge officer of Concire Leadership Institute and she co-founded this organization with Francis Frie.
You must have heard that some people don’t need an introduction. When we talked about the world of leadership, Anne Morriss is a name that is a role model of excellence and a one having tremendous ideas about business and leadership.
Anne has worked with companies, governments, and social entrepreneurs to unlock great potential.
She focuses especially on leadership and institutional change.
Anne Morriss Achievements
As a woman, she has the title of being a mother and a wife that is great in a different way, but her achievements outside the house are hard to count as they are so much and remarkable, yet mentioned below.
She has consulted with businesses and policymakers throughout the U.S., Latin America, and Africa on policy, leadership, and systemic reform.
Anne Morriss clients ranged from Fortune 50 repositioning companies in global markets to public sector leaders working to transform national economies.
Anne has partnered with the World Bank to promote entrepreneurs as Senior Advisor to the OTF Group.
She serves on the national board of IGNITE and on the board of Overseers for Boston’s Museum of Science.
She also served as a founding chair of InnerCity weightlifting that is a groundbreaking NGO enabling an unprecedented reduction in youth violence in Boston.
She received her BA from Brown School and MBA from Harvard Business School.
She owns two organizations:
Gene peeks:
This one is a genetic research firm that owns and runs Matchright, a simulation that determines the likelihood of genetic disorders occurring in a child given the DNA of two persons.
It was founded in 2009 by Anne Morriss and Lee. M silver.
The leadership consortium:
This company’s main objective is to help the best-in-class organizations in creating the conditions for all leaders to accelerate and thrive.
It was founded in 2018 by Anne Morriss and Professor Frances Frei.
Her Career
Anne Morriss career has included leadership of the U.S. campaign finance team. Representative Marty Meehan, acting as South American Director for Amigos de las Americas, an international NGO that promotes community health and leadership development in Latin America.
Anne has been living and working extensively in Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic.
Anne Morris as a Writer
According to Anne Morriss, leaders make the mistake with this thought that it is about ‘them’ which is absolutely wrong.
Leadership is all about how you help other people unlock the greatness and themselves.
To make this concept clear to people she conveyed her ideas and discoveries in business to people by her writing.
Yes, the cofounder of Concire Leadership Institute starts writing with the collaboration of another extremely talented soul who is Francis Frie, a Harvard professor, and her spouse.
Don’t you think it is so kind of Anne Morriss and Francis to share and spread their valuable ideas with the world?
They want to show a different perspective of leadership and services to the world for such a reason that people start seeing business with a different eye in which customers are equally valued with their profit.
She not only co-authored the bestselling book “Uncommon services” but also completed a book on how emerging leaders can remove barriers to impact named “Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader’s Guide to Empowering Everyone around You”.
Her main reason to write
Anne Morriss has worked and discovered a lot with the passage of time in the world of business and trade and she feels that it is an essential requirement of time to aware beginners in the school of business and informed them with the real recipe for success.
She looked at hundreds of great service companies and found that a clear overwhelming pattern is that most of them were not great at everything.
They were great at the things that their customers valued most, and they were very deliberately and strategically bad at the things that they valued less.
These are the misconception of the business world.
Anne wants to make them realize that what’s really important for a company is to be great, by learning things customers value the most.
And that’s where her book comes in with amazing ideas.
Her Book “Uncommon Services”
This book is published in 2012 in which Anne Morriss and Francis Frie (Both are the authors of this book) mapped a roadmap for Google at this point in our lives.
As we are approaching our teen years and we need to make really tough decisions about how we’re going to deliver great products and great services.
In the viewpoint of Anne, their collaboration (Anne Morriss and Francis Frie) was born from the shared belief that the commitment to serve is ingrained in the human soul and their ambition with this book is to help people build an organization that truly reflects humanity, one that can shamelessly deliver uncommon service.
Anne believed that good people with good ideas were not enough so she decided to write a book for the sake of people to help them understand the concept of how to be a good leader.
Both of them studied the design and culture of countless organizations, and what Anne and Francis Frie discover will likely to amaze the readers.
They both want to be helpful.
They talked about the need for trade-off and how we get it on the product side but it’s just unbelievably difficult on the service side.
Anne said in an interview that she tried to give people tools by this book to really bring the trade-offs to the surface so that they could make more deliberate choices about them.
She observed that the reality is that most service organizations living in a state of exhausted mediocrity of trying to do everything.
In the opinion of the authors, one must have the guts to make that kind of decision that actually put out the fact that you are worst, and then own it.
Only by doing this you can be unapologetically awesome and will be a winner in your business of any kind.
The main message of this book
The main message of this book ‘Uncommon Services’ Anne Morriss tried to give the companies and industries that understand your customers well enough to make the trade-offs very thoughtfully and then own it.
By owning your faults and mistakes, and have the courage to dare to be bad is a must thing that all companies should adopt, if they really want to be number 1.
If they really want to be!
Her Other Book Unleashed:
It is never easy to be a leader.
You have to put yourself on second and prioritize your team if you want to be a good leader.
If you asked an aspiring leader for advice, they must tell you to think big or try much harder than before or focus on limiting your deficiencies.
But this book told you another bright side of being a leader and how to be a leader.
This is actually a guide book that proves to be a best partner and adviser if you really want to step in the world of business. It carries a totally different worldview.
The common advice every superior gave to you about leadership is challenged and contends in this book.
Both the talented authors believe in building others and said that leadership is all about others but not of you.
They discussed the inspiring stories and prove, through those inspirational stories from ancient Rome to the present-day Silicon Valley, the roots of great leadership are found, ironically, not to think about your own rank and development, but to reflect on the potential of others.
According to them, a boldest and most powerful leader uses a special combination of confidence, love, and belonging to build an environment in which others will thrive.
They gave life to their ideas by quoting and discussing their own life experience in the business world with many companies they are linked with, like Uber, Riot, and Walmart, etc.
Without any doubt, this book is your imperative guide to the unlocking of greatness in others and surely in yourself.
The main message of this book
The main message of this book is to ‘Build OTHERS up’ and gave them the confidence of life by guiding and teaching them everything that you have learned with your experiences and mistakes because no one will become a pro in his/her field without doing mistakes.
It’s just, how powerful you are in inspiring other people and making sure that this influence continues even in your absence and I think that’s beautiful to enlighten the lives of others with the glow and an aura of your personality.
Anne Morris as a Company Founder
GenePeeks is a genetic analysis organization whose mission is to help families protect the health of future generations.
After Anne Morris’s son was born with a serious genetic mutation, she wanted to protect other children with this similar struggle. With the idea of this virtuous thought, she decided to found this company.
According to her “every person on this planet is a carrier for a rare disease but what matters is who we choose to partner with reproductively.”
Now she wants to reduce the risk for a bad genetic match for others.
The main idea of this company is to prevent bad matches in future generations by producing digital babies first to make sure there is no genetic mutation in the baby.
Anne Morris said that this idea will prove great for the people who are walking around with gene mutations and may put their children at risk with their reproductive partner. They now have the chance of getting the information at the earliest possible point in the fertility journey.
Digitally, the companies’ software weaves Next-Gen sequencing data from two prospective parents, simulating the genetic recombination and reduction normally occurring in human reproduction. The process produces analytical targets including tens of thousands of “virtual genomes.”
Anne Morriss as a Strong Woman
To just bear the circumstances and kept quite is not a definition of today’s strong women. For the women of this century, she must be unapologetically confident and proves herself as an awesome personality in every aspect of her life.
Anne Morriss did the same when she came to know about her son’s disease or the flaws in the business world.
She decides to be a rebel and argued about her perspective of doing business along with caring about customers and their interests.
What big companies are nowadays doing is not something that is hidden from the world. We all know that they just sell and trade-off their products but very few people have the courage to highlight the dark side of society either it is about the business world or a social taboo.
Anne learned from her experiences and tried her best not to just talk about them, but to make these her strength and that’s what a strong lady supposed to do.
Growth is a magnificent manifestation of doing everything else right and that’s exactly what Anne Morriss decides to do.
She chooses to learn and grow.
She proves that she has the courage to act and the kindness to listen.
What you’re doing makes a difference, and you’ve got to decide what kind of difference you want to make, so always choose the best for you and just go for it like the lady you have read about.
Because she believed she could, so she did.