Signs That Your Girlfriend Is Over You

Signs That Your Girlfriend Is Over You: We all have a special attachment to our loved ones, but there comes a time when we have to face the cold reality around us and realize the scarcity of the situation ahead of us. Especially, if that loved one is your Girlfriend. And you are in a state where you can’t figure out what or why she’s doing, the things she’s doing.

Situation assessment, and reevaluating the state of one’s relationship becomes a must when things don’t seem right or appear to be heading towards south. The following are some major signs that will help you reassess your state of relationship and figure out if your girlfriend is over you: She doesn’t call you or text you anymore. She is not excited about your future plans together. She is not concerned over you. She keeps her life to herself and spaces out. She quarrels with you a lot. She ignores your flirts. She starts ghosting you. She doesn’t participate in or remember your special occasions. She isn’t excited or intrigued by your company. She removes you from here social media accounts.

She is not interested in calling or texting you

Ex boyfirend calling

A definite sign that your girlfriend is over you is that she’ll stop texting you. Whether, it’s those good morning messages or good night wishes, she doesn’t text you at all.  Even if she doesn’t stop texting, she occasionally texts you only when you text her, or sends you late replies as she doesn’t give it importance over the other things in her life.

Hardly ever calls you to know, how you’re doing in life, and when you call her, she hangs up on you, or simply sounds forced. You would notice that not only she doesn’t flirt with you anymore, but also, that there are no warm or sympathetic words that come out from her. Simply because, she just doesn’t have feelings for you anymore.

She is not excited about your future together or going out with you

If your girlfriend is over you, she won’t have future plans with you. She is not even interested to discuss and go out on those 7 course dinners or those exotic hiking trips to explore the striking beauty of nature. She doesn’t make any plans with you whatsoever, she would completely remove you from her future plans, as she just isn’t fascinated with the thought of going out with you.

Even, if it’s a small date at an average restaurant, or a drink at a coffee shop, she’ll make excuses and refuse to go out with you. If you have been experiencing this conduct, it’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t see you as her future partner.

She is not concerned and worried about you

How To Get Your Priorities Straight in Life?

Concern and care are the most fundamental elements of a healthy relationship. In the proceeding manner that your girlfriend is starting to show lack of concern and empathy, then it’s a clear sign that she’s not into you anymore.

She doesn’t care about ironing your cloths, cooking meals for you, going out with you, lending you a hand in washing dishes or cleaning your cloths, so on and so forth. Neither does she care about you nor the difficulties in your life. She is just not looking for your praise, approval, or happiness. Consequently, it’s a potent that she doesn’t have a place in her heart for you anymore.

She keeps to herself and zones out around you

In case, your girlfriend is keeping all the things in her life to herself, then she’s starting to move on from your relationship and thinking about leaving you out from her life. She doesn’t want to involve you in her important occasions or events, tell you her plans, or what situations she’s going through in her life. For all of these reasons, she’s cutting you out from her life.

Even if you do get to talk, she isn’t interested to listen to you, she keeps zoning out on you and when she finally replies, it’s those, “huh”, “yeah”, “right”, kind of answers. She’s not even curious to listen to, or to respond to your conversations, as she has lost the burning desire she once had for you.

She aggravates and ends up quarreling with you

Frequent quarrels between partners is a drastic sign in a relationship that indicates things are going to blow up sooner or later. Whenever you have a conversation with your girlfriend, everything starts out warm and friendly, but then something insignificant aggravates. So, you end up with a fight, or at least a quarrel. Every once in a while is fine, but when history starts to repeat itself over and over again, it’s a dire indicator that she’s starting to develop negative feelings towards you.

Certainly, no one wants to be with someone who doesn’t provide positive vibes, and a positive sentiment because that just makes one’s life miserable. At the end of the day, you should be really worried about this because she’s simply getting over and above you.

She doesn’t return your flirts

Girlfriend getting desparate

Flirting makes every relationship more radiant and lustrous. But in case, your girlfriend hasn’t filtered with you in a while, then it’s a bad omen for your relationship. Even so, when you try to flirt with her, she comes out totally blank and passive, or in the worst case scenario, she simply ignore the flirt.

She is not passionate about you as she used to be, and conversely, not present at the moment for you. You have slipped away from her mind and consciousness. In Addition, she has been desensitized and become emotionally immune to your words, it’s a bad sign that she’s over you.

She ghosts you

To ghost someone, simply means to vanish or disappear from someone’s life, into thin air without telling why, as if they were actually ghosts. In the same sense that your girlfriend ghosts you, it’s a negative sign, indicating the downfall of your relationship.

Your girlfriend goes on without replying or responding to your messages and calls for months in all her communication channels, with no idea in your mind, when will you hear from her. In this case, you should identify that she’s ignoring you because she wants nothing to do with you, any further. She is over you but there is still time to make things right, instead of hoping against hope, do some efforts.

She doesn’t commemorate your special moment or events

Girls are emotional beings and they never forget their important dates. However, if your girlfriend doesn’t remember your special moments, you are being left out from her world. Whether it’s your birthday or your anniversary being together. She has lost that emotional connection with you because you aren’t essentially significant to her anymore.

Similarly, you won’t see her around in the happiest moments of your life, at your birthday party, a family reunion or a hangout with friends, she won’t show up to any of those occasions.  Since, you aren’t a priority in her life any longer, it’s the moment to realize that things are going south between you two. Try to make things right.

She doesn’t get euphoric seeing you

Connecting with your boyfriend

One of the most significant signs that your girlfriend has moved on is that she doesn’t get excited to see you. As, she has just lost the fire in her eyes, she once had for you.

You’ll comes across some predicaments that’ll leave you stunned. That might be, getting a cold shoulder from your girlfriend when you meet her at a public place with her friends, or ignoring you after meeting the eye. For the most part, neither is she excited to see you nor is she making any effort to communicate with you. It applies to all the similar situations in your school, collage or your workplace. It simply means that your girlfriend doesn’t have the glimmer for you any longer, and probably has moved on.

She dispatches you from her social media channels

Following that your girlfriend gets over you, she starts to remove you from life, by disconnecting you on her social media. She deletes your photos and remove your tags on her social media accounts: face book, snapchat, Instagram, etc. She doesn’t want to be associated with you any further, in any affair of her life. She wants to remain distant from you.

If things escalate even further, she will even sever her communication with you, on social media. Firstly, she’ll stop commenting and replying to your messages and ultimately remove you from her friend list. If you experience these symptoms, it’s a predating sign for a dead end of your relationship.


Whys is my girlfriend getting distant from me?

You only need to worry if your girlfriend has been distant for a while. Now, the basic reasons are that she has just lost that attraction towards you, or she might actually be angry at you for something. In either cases, you need to deal with the situation right away so that she doesn’t ultimately leave you for good.

What do if my girlfriend has moved on?

If your girlfriend has moved on, and you truly feel something for her, then you should try to get back with her. Try to reach out to her and straight things out, and if you can’t then reach out to her family and friends so that she creates a soft spot for you after hearing positive things about you, from her trusties. Nevertheless, if you think that she made the right move and you have no future together, then leave her be.

How can I get over my girlfriend?

First and foremost, cut all your connections that may potentially lead to your girlfriend, including all the social media sites and her personal number, get rid of it all. Secondly, you need to realize that it’s a big word you don’t have to be stuck up on a single person. And lastly, go out with your friends and enjoy life. Act confident and attractive, don’t dwell on the past.

Taking everything into account

If you have most of these symptoms or all of them in your girlfriend, than your relationship is most likely at its final stages. If you think that she’s not worth the effort leave her be. But if you truly believe that she’s the love of your life, you should try to reach to her more often and the most effective way would be to reach out to her influential circle, which generally means her family and friends and try to straight things out to get your relationship on a healthier plane.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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