Top 10 Most Generous People

Top 10 Most Generous People: I have made a list of philanthropists giving away money. These philanthropists are the most generous people in the world.

When we talk about the generosity we actually talk about the “Generosity Index”.

It is the percentage of wealth one gives out as charity in life.

It is the percentage of the difference between net worth and the donation. For example, if I have $10, I give $5 away as charity, my generosity index becomes exactly 50 %, that means I have given half of my wealth away. In other words, I am 50% generous.

So who are the most generous people in the world?

Let’s countdown! Here I have listed the most generous people that the world knows of.

But before, we highly recommend you take a look at this book. The Generosity Factor

10- Bill Gates:

Bill Gates needs no introduction. He is the 2nd richest person in the world with the net worth of stupendous $84.2 billion and his lifetime donations equate to up to $27 billion giving him the generosity index of 32%.

All his life he gave away most of his wealth. If we talk about the amount of charity he has to give in his life here then he is at the top, no doubt, but if we talk about generosity,( how generous he has been in his life) well then that gives him the 10th place in this countdown.

By the way, check Bill Gates 10 Life lessons and Quotes to Success!

9-Warren Buffett:

is the Chairman & CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He was ranked as the world’s wealthiest person in 2008. His net worth is $61 billion and he has given almost $21.6 billion in charity, giving him a generosity index of 35%.

He leads a very successful life and cares a lot about others.

8-Eli Broad:

Eli Broad is the founder of the Broad Foundations, Co-founder of KB Home, and the founder of SunAmerica and is the 65th  richest person in the world. His net worth is $7.3 billion. He has given almost $3.3 billion in charity, and so his generosity index is calculated to be 45%.

That means he has given almost 45% of his wealth in his life.

7-Azim Premji:

Azim Premji is an Indian business investor and the chairman of Wipro Limited. His net worth is $16 billion. He has given almost $8  billion in charity, so half of his wealth in charity gives him the generosity index of 50%. 

This means in his life he has given Half of the wealth away.

6- George Soros:

George Soros is one of the 30 richest people in the world and also one of the most generous people. He is the retired founder of Soros Fund Management and is now serving as the chairman of the Open Society Foundations, which was founded in 1979.

His net worth is $24.4 billion. He has given almost $11 billion in charity, giving him a generosity index of 54%. He has been very generous in his life.

5-Ted Turner

Ted Turner is the founder of Cable News Network (CNN).

He is with his beautiful wife in the picture. In his life, he has earned more than $2.1 billion.

He has given almost $1.2 billion in his life in charity, giving him a generosity index of 57% which makes him stand in the list of the most generous people in the world.

4-Gordon Moore

Gordon Moore is co-founder and Chairman of Intel Corporation. His net worth is $6.5 billion. He has given almost $5 billion in charity in his lifetime with the help of the “Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation” which he developed, his generosity index comes out to be 77%.

He has to lead a very generous life indeed.

3-Jon Huntsman Sr.

Jon Huntsman Sr. is the founder of the Huntsman Chemical Corporation, the largest manufacturer of polystyrene in the United States.

His net worth is $940 million. He has given almost $1.2 billion in charity in his life, giving him an amazing generosity index of 128%.

2-Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi

Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi (picture credit goes to YouTube and Bussiness Insider). He is now the Chairman of National Agricultural Development Company (NADEC) and his net worth is $590 million and his lifetime donations sum up to about $5.7 billion Generosity Index of a whopping 966%.

He co-founded Al Rajhi Bank with his 3 brothers which made him the 120th richest person in the world and he also discovered a “Sulaiman Al Rajhi University” (a non-profit university and donated a lot) so he has given a lot in his life.

1-Charles Francis Feeney

Charles Francis Feeney is on a mission to give away all of his wealth away, making him the most generous person in the world. His net worth is $1.5 million and his lifetime donations sum up to about $6.3 billion. His generosity Index in life is a whopping 420,000%.

He is the king of philanthropy, no doubt there.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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