ESFP – The Entertainer Personality Type

ESFP – The Entertainer Personality Type: The life of the party, the class clown, the people pleaser; these are all phrases used to describe the stereotypical performer personality type- The ESFP.

ESFP, or the Entertainer personality type, is from the Explorer group of the 16 personality test. This test is based on the Myers-Briggs Indicator and Carl Jung’s personality theory.

ESFPs are some of the liveliest, most down to earth and genuine people you will ever meet who are eager to participate in the world.

Entertainers are probably bound to have one of the most aesthetic feeds on Instagram and spend their free time doing anything that gives them an adrenaline rush.

You’ll catch them goofing around even when they have some serious work to do. But if it’s something that they’re passionate about it, they’ll make sure that it gets done; And gets done right!

Oh and, that party down the street that’s got everyone hyped up?

It is most likely being thrown by an ESFP, and you can bet that they’re doing everything in their power to make sure that everyone there is dancing it out.

But don’t be fooled by that care-free attitude because, underneath all that, they’re very vigilant and aware of everything going on around them which allows them to notice changes in their surroundings before others do.

And, even after partying all night, they’re the kind of people to show up at your doorstep the next morning to help you with whatever you need.

Interested in an ESFP yet? Keep on reading to find out more!

Personality aspects of an ESFP

Cool Secrets To Tell Someone

Each letter in the acronym of a personality type (aka ESFP) describes a person’s preferences in 5 different aspects of life which essentially make up their personality.

These aspects are mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity.

The mind trait describes how we engage and interact with our environment.

The energy trait describes how we view the world and process it.

The nature trait describes how we deal with our emotions and make decisions.

The tactic trait describes how we tackle our daily tasks and the identity trait describes our overall confidence in our abilities and decisions.

In ESFPs, the preferences are Extroverted (mind), Observant (energy), Feeling (nature), and Prospecting (tactics).

The identity trait can either be Assertive (A) or Turbulent (T) and varies in every individual.

Now let’s dive deeper into what each of these traits tells us about ESFPs.

Extroverted (E)

This trait is probably the most prominent trait of an ESFP. As extroverted people, ESFPs make the world their stage and are energized through their interactions with other people and their surroundings.

This explains why ESFPs feel the constant need to be in someone’s company even when they’re working.

If they are left by themselves for too long it can make them feel uneasy and often quite agitated.

When they are unable to make it to a social event, ESFPs are very likely to experience extreme FOMO.

Observant (S)

Unlike the intuition trait where people like to see patterns and logic in everything around them, people with the observant trait prefer to actively take in the world through their senses.

They experience and respond to the world in real-time which makes them very ‘live in the moment’ kind of people.

Because of this trait, they might take a while to develop their logic about something.

However, once that logic develops, their intuitions and guesses are often more reliable than that of an NT personality type (INTJs, ENTPs, ENFPs, and INTP).

This is because they’ve taken their time and taken all of their experiences into account to form their opinion about something.

This is unlike NTs who simply jump to a conclusion at the moment, without considering all the factors.

Being so present in the world drives them to constantly look for an adrenaline rush that’s going to excite them.

Feeling (F)

Understanding and expressing their emotions is very important to an ESFP.

They care very deeply about trying to understand their inner world, finding their moral code, and using that to make decisions in life.

Being in touch with their feelings makes ESFPs especially good at connecting with people on an emotional level and providing support when necessary.

However, this can also make them overly- sensitive at times which makes criticizing an ESFP much harder as they take everything so personally.

Prospecting (P)

This describes how an ESFP feels comfortable being out of control. They welcome spontaneity with open arms and are okay with not knowing what’s going to happen next.

However, this can make them quite careless in terms of how they get their work done.

Strengths of an ESFP

Strength and Narcissists

They have a great reaction time

Because ESFPs are so present in every moment, they tend to have a very good reaction time. Their brain is simply always active and ready to tackle whatever comes at it.

Naturally, they are skilled at activities like sports or stand- up comedy. Even though they are very different activities, both require you to actively take in your surroundings and react appropriately.

They definitely pass the vibe check!

ESFPs are called the life of the party for a very good reason. They carry around a positive, energetic, and loving aura around them.

The energy and the vibes they bring to a room or a conversation are genuine because they’re all about making everyone around them feel great.

They choose to focus on the best in people regardless of their social standing.

With an unexplainable need to make everyone happy (which doesn’t always work out), they’ll cross limits to do whatever they can to put a smile on their loved one’s faces!

They’re all about those aesthetics!

When it comes to decor, aesthetics, outfits, and all that fun jazz, ESFPs really know how to step out of their comfort zone, take something old and make it their own with original ideas!

Their reactions are on point!

ESFPs are very good at detecting the energy of a room the moment they walk in. They’ll notice slight changes in moods of people or the shifts in the atmosphere and figure out exactly how to act in a certain situation.

If someone’s up for a blast, they’ll throw on a party hat and join them. But if a friend is feeling down, the upbeat mask comes off and the care-bear kicks in to listen to what their friend needs.

Live in the moment!

Rather than getting lost in memories of the past or the worries of the future, ESFPs truly enjoy and make the most out of every moment of their lives as it comes.

This works out great for their relationships because they make the people in their life feel very appreciated and loved by being so present in the time spent with them.

And when something goes wrong, instead of dwelling on what-ifs, they focus on how they can rectify the situation.

Weaknesses of an ESFP

Weaknesses of Personalities

“What do you mean I’m wrong?”

As a result of having a very sensitive heart, ESFPs are masters of taking things personally. They’ll take the slightest bit of criticism,( even if it’s constructive), straight to heart rather than looking at it rationally.

So trying to confront an ESFP about any problem you might be having with them, usually proves to be a challenge! They might even jump straight into defense mode or turn the blame on you instead.

“I could have sworn I had more time…”

ESFPs are not very good at making long- term plans; or even any plans at all!

They tend to get very confident in their ability to just figure something out in the future but they always look at it from a very idealistic point of view without considering all the factors.

This can make things like deadlines very hard to reach because they overestimate their abilities to get things done on time.

Guess who accidentally spent all their savings?

Sometimes the spontaneity of an ESFP can tip over into recklessness in their spending habits, risky adventures, and sometimes even in speech.

They tend to get so wrapped up in the moment that they convince themselves that doing anything in the spirit of YOLO is ok.

They’ll be the most likely to accidentally spend their rent money on a big purchase, or say something inappropriate in the spur of the moment.

“I’m sure I worked out last week… or was it last month?”

ESFPs tend to fall back into their unhealthy habits if there’s no external motivation to act otherwise.

For example, unless there’s a summer pool party coming up, they’re not going to put that bag of chips down and hit the gym anytime soon!

The bad self- care habits can result from two main things.

The first is their tendency to let loose which leads to over-indulgence. That can be in the form of food, too much fun, or just too much laziness.

However, now and then, when the desire to ‘look and feel good’ about themselves kicks in, they’ll fall back into taking regular care of their physical health.

The second is when ESFPs pay so much time and energy in making sure that they’re loved ones are cared for, that they often neglect themselves. This can be the negligence of both their physical and mental health.

“We don’t have to talk about that right now”

It’s very difficult to figure out when you’ve pissed off an ESFP because chances are, they’ll be too scared to confront you about it.

Relationship problems give ESFPs a lot of anxiety which is why they find it easier to ignore a problem rather than face it head-on and resolve it.

The people-pleaser in an ESFP cannot handle people being mad at them so they’ll put off things that bother them for as long as possible to avoid conflict.

Even when confrontations do happen, you’ll often see them trying to shift the conversation to a more light-hearted topic as soon as possible.

“What was it that I needed to do again?”

Boredom and distraction are entertainers’ best friend when it comes to working.

The need to be constantly excited by something around them can make it very hard for ESFPs to focus on tasks that actually need to get done.

They are big fans of multi-tasking and will probably tackle 50 other tasks that they’d been putting off than do the one thing they need to get done.

ESFPs in Relationships

Keeping relationships healthy

If there’s one thing we’ve established about ESFPs, it’s that they love people.

They have a teddy bear kind of loving presence that is constantly drawing people in, (especially those who an ESFP thinks could use a little cheering up).

When it comes to romantic relationships, ESFPs can be a lot of fun to have around. They’re easily likable, charismatic, and charming.

In a relationship with an ESFP, they’re all about making their presence felt and making you feel appreciated and cherished.

Not only do they love deeply, but they’re also big believers in expressing this love through intimacy, grand gestures, PDA, and big words.

They’ll be the person who sends you romantic texts in the morning and send a bouquet of your favorite flowers to your workplace.

One of the best things about them is how they do their best to make themselves available whenever you need them.

They are very empathetic people which makes them great sympathizers. They might not offer the best advice but they will be physically or emotionally there for supporting you.

However, as much as an ESFP loves cherishing the time spent with their partner and the attention, they detest control.

Extra possessiveness, trying to control who they can or can’t talk to or what they can or can’t do will be a major turn off for an ESFP.

And before you know it, the relationship will be over!

On the other hand, if you treat them right, a relationship with an ESFP might be one of the best things that ever happens to you.

ESFPS asFriends


ESFPs are the kind of friends that have a very vibrant presence and are usually in the center of a group.

They like to keep things light-hearted and humorous and will probably babble on for hours about something that spikes their interest.

An ESFP wants to make everyone feel included. Do you know when everyone’s talking over you and no one’s paying attention? An ESFP will most likely jump in and take a genuine interest in whatever you have to say.

However, when it comes to more intellectual or controversial topics, ESFPs aren’t always comfortable sharing their opinions for the fear of being judged.

They’re most likely to agree with what the group is saying rather than voice their ‘controversial’ opinion to avoid debate. Moreover, they’ll try their best to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Having multiple friends is a norm for an ESFP but they also have a habit of people hopping. Their interest in one person is usually short-lived and once they find someone more interesting, they’ll usually direct their attention towards them.

ESFPs as Parents

Keep parents complaints to yourself and dont share them

ESFPs as parents are some of the most caring, yet loving people out there. They truly want what’s best for their kids and will do whatever they can to make it happen.

They have a very relaxed environment at home and are the most likely to throw fun parties for all their kid’s friends.

They’re most probably the fun parent rather than the disciplinary one, and their emotional tendencies truly shine through in parenthood.

They experience every bit of being a parent with pride and immense joy.

An ESFP is very likely to walk into their kid’s room at the end of the day and spend time asking them how their day went in detail.

If their kid has a problem, they’re very likely to fully understand and empathize with them, provide support and then try to fix said problems.

They are determined to make sure that their kids have the best time, experience new things around them, and grow by practically learning things. However, because at the end of the day they are parents, any rules set by them will always apply!

When parenthood gets too stressful, more often than not, all an ESFP needs is a little time in nature (possibly surrounded by their friends or pets) and they’ll be good to go!

ESFPs at Work

Architecture Related Jobs

Entertainers love working around people and as part of a team, rather than going solo. An open working environment, group projects, and group studies are where it’s at for them!

One of their worst nightmares is probably sitting behind a desk for hours doing administrative tasks.

And if there’s one thing that ESFPs hate even more than that, it’s strict rules and regulations that make them feel controlled.

ESFPs will be more likely to leave such jobs than hang around because ‘ at least it pays the bills’. Remember, they are avid believers of doing what makes them happy.

However, when they do find an interactive and friendly work environment, you’ll see them come to life.

They will contribute a lot to whatever teamwork they have to while maintaining the best possible relationship that they can with their peers.

Not only do they make friendly colleagues but also very easy-going bosses that like to get to know their employees. They want to build a relationship with them based on trust and understanding rather than fear.

However, this does not mean leniency in getting your job done. If they’re being considerate and giving you the lee-way when needed, they expect you to follow through with your end of the work.

A lot of the best-suited careers for ESFPs include motivational speakers, tour guides, sales representatives, event planners, and of course, professional entertainers such as actors.


Fun Fact, underneath the confident and charismatic attitude, alot of ESFPs usually have a very deep insight that they often don’t feel very comfortable sharing with the world.

Regardless, the world is probably a brighter place thanks to all the Entertainers around us!

Do you know anyone in your life who fits the above description of an ESFP? If so, we hope you have a bit more of an insight into their personality and how their mind works!

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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