Must Read 10 Success Rules of Bill Gates

Must Read 10 Success Rules of Bill Gates: Bill Gates is the inspiration to all of us. And it always motivates me to the core whenever I read the following quotes of him.

And besides getting motivated by them, we also need to learn how to implement them in our life. (I talk about this more at the end.)

So Bill Gates said:

Become a “Boss” as soon as you can:

Become a "Boss" as soon as you can

As soon as possible. If you make $10 a day, hire somebody at 5. By this I mean, you don’t have to be rich to be a boss. Just make a plan, create another source of income. You can choose a business plan which is easily manageable with your job maybe. Then just do the math and start investing.

Why planning to work for somebody else to make their dreams come true. Just find your passion and work at it.

Why not utilize the very same time and energy in chasing your passion and developing something where you are the boss.

If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.

Be optimistic:

boost confidence

Simple, yet very powerful.

It takes courage, risk, and guts to leave a prestigious university such as Harvard, and start a company but Bill Gates still took that risk.

It all comes from optimism. If you are optimistic then you are willing to take a risk.

Bill Gates has always been optimistic about things.

As I look forward, I’m very optimistic about the things I see ahead.

Life is in your control. You can make whatever you want out of it. Everybody gets the same 24 hour period. It’s simply how you would spend that time.

Make a plan and stay optimistic about it. Things will get better if you stay on top of things.

Never fear Losing:

How to look well groomed

Life is just a journey of successes and failures, so it doesn’t matter if you fail. When you fail you learn.

I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.

Failing is good. And I know you must have heard a million times too from so many different people if you like watching motivational videos.

But failing is not a goal of course. You must make a plan and try your best not to fail. But the thing is, even after trying everything sometimes we fail.

So when this happens. It’s still okay. Just learn and move on.

Life is not a cakewalk:

How To Live An Adventurous Life?

Life is very tough and selfish.

Don’t expect anything good from life if you are not working.

Life doesn’t just throw a million dollars at you.

Life is not fair, get used to it.

You have to work day and night to achieve it. Bill Gates used to work for 16 hours in a day, every day!

Now the key here is to work smart. Invest your time on important things.

Reward yourself for your successes:

Be happy even when life is hard

As human beings, we need the motivation to keep on moving forward, so when you achieve even the slightest part of your success, celebrate it.

Like I mentioned earlier life is just a road of small successes and small failures.

When you achieve your goal, treat yourself depending on how much you have achieved, that way you will keep yourself motivated, but if you fail, learn from your mistake.

It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
Bill Gates

Seek as much feedback as you can:

8 things clients actually want from their financial advisors

There will always be haters.

No matter what you do, some will still discourage and some will dislike your work no matter what you do, but it’s OK because you are getting some sort of feedback from them.

Both positive and negative feedback improves us.

Positive feedback motivates us and negative ones take out flaws.

When you respond to dissatisfied people politely, asking them what you did wrong, they may also give you a good feedback.

When we get feedback from people, we understand a little more about what they want and how we can make our work better.

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.

Do not compare yourself with others:

ENFJ personality

Everybody is special in their own way.

You can’t expect a monkey to swim or a fish to climb a tree.

You have unique skills in you, which many others don’t have.

Things that you can do easily may not be that easy to others, or the things which some people can do without even trying hard may be difficult for you, and that’s only because everybody is different.

So you don’t have to compare.

Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself.

Aim for the bigger audience:

personality development

I always wanted to inspire and motivate others and so one day, I thought to myself, what is the biggest source of audience, well, of course, the internet so here I am now reaching to many people out there and trying to inspire them.

If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business.

Learn from mistakes:

Easy steps rational thinking

Never get hopeless because of others. People will always try to put you down.

You can not make everybody happy. So those who are unhappy with your work, learn from them instead of getting discouraged.

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

Stay Patient:

Surefire Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

There is a proverb that goes “all good things come to those who wait.”

This saying is true on so many levels. If you are patient and you are working every day, you will succeed.

It is a skill that needs to be developed. It teaches wisdom and the ability to manage stress, which is very important if you are in any business.

Patience is the key element to success.

How to implement Bill Gates’s rules of success in your life?

Implement rules of success

The thing is, you are not Bill Gates. You are YOU.

You are unique. So you don’t have to be exactly like Bill Gates to be successful.

Just figure out what you need to do in life. Do you know what your passion is? Do you know what you want to do in life? Well, let me tell you a secret. Nobody does.

We only get to know our passion once we are financially free. And that’s the hard truth to it.

So our main job is to get to that point where the money is no longer an issue.

Now, earning money as they tell you is easy, which is totally wrong. It gets easy if you are earning by doing something that keeps you “not bored”.

So just figure out what you will love to do and find a way of earning through it. And then read quotes like these every day to stay on top of things and keep yourself motivated.

Mark this day. It’s the beginning of the new you.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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