3 Best Universal Power Adapter

3 Best Universal Power Adapter: A detailed Travel Adapters comparison has been done for you to decide which among these three top we picked.

If you’re looking for a power adapter that includes USB ports along with an AC plug but have a low budget then, HUANUO Universal Best Travel Power Adapter is the choice you should choose.

If, however, you are looking for a power adapter that can charge the most devices at a time with the highest speed and also includes USB ports then, EPICKA Universal Best Travel Power Adapter is the best world travel adapter in this case and should be the choice you make.

Not to forget, simple but yet a great quality product, Skross World Best Travel Power Adapter 3, is also worth looking at.

We get it. So many devices to carry and charge, it’s just such a mess to carry out so many chargers when you are traveling, a phone, a laptop, an electric shaver, maybe a portable speaker or Bluetooth headphones.

The solution?

Let review these

Why it’s the best travel power adapter?

It has the lowest price but still has the best features.

This product is made of fire retardant material which means it isn’t readily susceptible to fire.

This product is light in weight compared to the other two adapters. It weighs about 4.6 ounces, whereas, EPICKA Power adapter weighs 5.6 ounces and Skross Adapter 3 weighs 6.6 ounces.

It offers you a lifetime warranty whereas the other two power adapters only offer a one year warranty.

This power adapter is our top choice and we adore this product because it has great features. Below, is the detailed briefing of this product.

Why do we like it?

This is the best travel power adapter you can get. It is portable and easy to carry along whenever you’re traveling. It is able to charge 5 devices at a time such as your laptops, phones, iPods, and others. This means you no longer have to find sockets everywhere and instead any charge 5 devices using a single socket. It also has 4 universal USB ports which make this product compatible with almost all USB devices. The best part is it has a safety fuse which will automatically cut off if the temperature gets too high or there is an overload of electric current to protect your electronic devices. It is a certified safety power adapter which passed FCC, CE, and RoHS. Along with this, it offers you a lifetime warranty.

Who is it for?

If you need to go abroad for travel or business, this is the best product to take along, this travel plug adapter covers 150 countries with US/EU/UK/AUS plugs. So, you can easily switch to any plug you need and don’t have to worry about charging your gadgets when you visit abroad.

Pros. & Cons.


  • Has 4 universal USB ports.
  • Is lightweight.
  • Is portable.
  • Offers a lifetime warranty.
  • Can charge 5 devices at a time.
  • Has a built-in safety fuse to protect your electronic devices.
  • It is a certified safety power adapter.
  • The package includes a user manual.


  • You cannot use high power appliances on this, for example, your hairdryer.
  • It does not include any other accessories related to the product in its package box.

EPICKA Universal Power Adapter

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This power adapter has wonderful features. It has plug settings for the US, UK, and Europe, hence, you can carry it along with you while traveling since it’s portable and can also be used in any of these countries.

Why it’s 2nd on our list?

The factors on which we have put this product on the 2nd position in our list is as follows:

It does not have a LED display to show when it’s powered.

The dimensions of this product are 2.8x2x2 which slightly makes it a bigger plug that can be inconvenient to easily fit in every socket.

It offers you only 3 plug settings (HUANUO offers 4) for the US, UK, and Europe.


This product is still considered to be one of the best world travel adapters because of its outstanding features.

It is a 3 plug adapter that has a safe shutter and is dustproof which helps it from getting damaged easily. Also, the package box that it comes in includes a zipper nylon travel bag and a 2ft. charging cable for Android and Apple.

The best part is it allows you to fast charge 6 devices at a time.

Furthermore, it gives you a 30 days money-back guarantee.

This delightful power adapter is the runner-up that offers great services. This is another option you can avail. Let’s discuss this product in detail.

Who is it for?

This is the best world travel power adapter to get especially when you’re planning to go out for holidays.

This travel adapter fits into electrical outlets in most commonly visited countries like the US and UK. So, either you’re traveling for holidays or going on a business trip, this is indeed the best product to take along.

Why do we like it?

This is our 2nd best travel power adapter and we love it because it offers you great features.

Since it is portable and the safest way to plug in your devices, when traveling around the world.

It also has 4 USB ports in it which means you and your family can charge their devices at the same time.

It has a built-in spare fuse which can be used for a replacement that safeguards your valuable devices.

It allows you to charge 6 devices at a time with high speed.

The great news is that it gives you a 30 days money-back guarantee. This product is also certified by FC, CE, and KoHS.

Pros. & Cons.


  • It is dustproof and has a safe shutter.
  • The package box of this product includes a zipper nylon bag and a 2 ft. charging cable for Android and Apple.
  • It allows you to charge 6 devices at a time with high speed.
  • It has 4 USB ports.
  • It is certified for its safety by CE, FC, and RoHS.
  • It has a built-in spare fuse to safeguard your valuable devices.
  • It gives you a 30 days money-back guarantee and a 1-year warranty.


  • It does not convert electrical output and voltage. (No transformer)
  • It does not give you a lifetime warranty.

Skross World Travel Adapter 3

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Although, HUANUO Universal Travel Adapter is our top choice but we have another runner up as well.

This product has also been tested and has good features too. Let’s discuss its features in detail.

Who is it for?

This is for someone who loves traveling or has to do so because of their job requirements or so.

This can also be a great gift to give to someone who travels a lot since it’s such a functional product.

This power adapter makes traveling easier since it’s handy and you don’t have to worry about charging your electronic devices when you are out of your hometown.

Why do we like it?

This is one of the best travel power adapters because of various reasons.

It is a well-made product that accepts 2 prong and 3 prong plugs and keeps a tight connection which allows you to charge your devices such as your cellphones.

It provides you with a 1-year warranty. It is most compatible with countries like the US, UK, Europe, and Australia, since it has 4 plug settings for these countries and moreover, this power adapter can be used in over 150 countries worldwide.

Pros. & Cons.


  • Accepts 2 prong and 3 prong plugs.
  • Has 4 plug settings.
  • Is a portable power adapter.
  • Provides you with a 1-year warranty.
  • Allows you to charge your devices, such as your cellphones.
  • Comes in a nice cloth bag.


  • Does not come with any USB charging capability.
  • You can only use one plug at a time.
  • Has the highest price compared to the top two power adapters.
  • Does not give you a lifetime warranty.
  • Does not have any built-in spare fuse.
  • Is not a certified product.
  • Cannot convert voltage. (No transformer inside)

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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