5 Healthy Foods For Your Furry Friend

5 Healthy Foods For Your Furry Friend: Just like you, your furry friend also needs nutrition and a healthy meal to stay fit and active. Many pet owners are becoming increasingly concerned about the quality of food they feed their pets, and yes, determining what constitutes a healthy and nutritious meal can be difficult.

We have listed 5 Healthy Foods that are very good and provide the right amount of nutrition and proteins your furry friend needs! But as our digestive system is different, so is your furry friend.

There is a chance that these foods might not prove to be healthy for your dog. Hence, it is advised to consult your vet before giving these to your dog. You can also check out various packet foods that can be given to your dog and bought from online stores like ‘Pet.co.nz‘, etc.

Don’t forget to give your dog plenty of water along with food and keep him away from heat exposure. Keep a veterinarian handy, or a call away for recommendations and emergency consultations.


“Sunday ho ya Monday roz khao ande” Have you all heard this line? You all must be wondering whether eggs are beneficial and safe for your dogs or not? Clearing this confusion, just like an egg, benefits the human body; they are also helpful for your dog! Do you know eggs have good cholesterol, which positively helps your body? So next time when you sit for breakfast, let your dog also join you!

Just grind the eggshells and feed your dog; this will enhance his teeth and bones health. Make sure to buy only organic eggs as the Chemicals and colorants of other eggs can be harmful to your dog. Egg contains a vitamin named biotin, which promotes cell growth and the metabolism of fatty acids. Not only this, egg yolks are very rich in biotin; feed these yolks to your dog for healthy skin and a soft, luxurious coat for dogs.

Eggs are high in protein, fatty acids, vitamins, and fatty acids, which help your dog from inside and outside. They contain a variety of essential amino and fatty acids, vitamins A and B12, folate, iron, selenium, and riboflavin, all of which can provide various health benefits for canines, ranging from improved skin and coat health to stronger teeth and bones.


It is one of the best dairy products which keep your furry animal healthy and fit. You can go for frozen yogurt in summers, which helps them stay cool, being a healthier option than ice cream. Do you know that yogurt is a very good source of calcium that can help maintain the teeth and bones strong? Yogurt provides probiotics (good bacteria), which help keep your dog healthy, keep the digestive system healthy, fight infections, and are necessary for vitamin and mineral production. It must be noted that if enough Probiotics are not found in your pet’s body, then it can make him sick. Also, make sure that no sugar or other ingredient is added to the yogurt; choose plain feed yogurt.

Yogurt is not harmful, but there can be a situation where your dog may have difficulty digesting it. Do you know why? Because dogs’ bodies are not designed to digest lactose after puppyhood, a high-lactose diet can cause gas, indigestion, and nausea. Thus, it is advised that if any of the symptoms is observed on your dog, immediately stop feeding them yogurt and take them to the vet.


We believe your dog loves chicken a lot! Keep in mind to feed your dog only unseasoned chicken, with no bones and no chicken fat. Why no bones? Because it can choke your dog and even tear its windpipe. It’s better to take prevention. Also, don’t serve it raw! Chicken is a lean protein source that will provide your dog with plenty of energy and nourishment. Omega 6 Fatty Acids, like omega 3, will keep your dog’s coat healthy. Amino acids are protein building blocks that are required for all bodily functions. Chicken, in particular, contains the amino acid glucosamine, which is known to promote bone health.

Chicken is great for dogs. You can serve it plain or feed them with boiled vegetables or even bake it with some herbs. But make sure that you don’t over-feed them with chicken as it can be harmful to their health. Overfeeding chicken to your dog can lead to indigestion and vomiting. It is not recommended to feed raw chicken to your furry friend as it can be dangerous because raw chicken contains bacteria harmful to your dog’s health.

Furthermore, do not serve large amounts of chicken at once. Always chop the chicken in small quantities and then feed it to your dog. It ensures that the meat is digested and assimilates properly.

Coconut Oil

Yes, one of the best healthy foods that can be given to your dog. Not to worry, it is not harmful to your dog (but that again depends on your dog’s digestive system). Cook your dog’s food in coconut oil. You can even give them coconut water for drinking! Coconut oil can be ingested or rubbed onto your dog’s coat; the results are essentially the same. Coconut oil will improve the overall health as well as the texture and quality of his fur coat. Moreover, coconut contains lauric acid, which helps fight various bad bacteria and infections inside the body.

What is the right quantity which should be given to your dog? According to experts and various studies, Coconut oil can be given to dogs once or twice a day. And the amount you should give your dog is determined by its size. Remember that due to the high-fat content of coconut oil, you should not give coconut oil to an obese or overweight dog more than once a day.

You can also add coconut to his treats! Yes, you read that right. Food items like sweet potato fried in coconut oil, frozen banana, coconut, and cookies made in coconut oil, and many more are readily available and easy to make.


When your dog has an upset stomach, you give them rice as it provides relief but do you know apart from this, rice is a good source of carbohydrates and is low in fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Cooked rice can be fed to your dog daily, but not in excessive amounts.

Vitamin B3 is found in rice, which effectively keeps the dog’s nervous system and digestive tract healthy and active. Feed them only white rice. Why only white rice and not brown? This is because brown rice may cause gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea and ingestion. The furry animal requires more starch in his diet; therefore, white rice is fed to them.

When making rice for your dog, boil it in water without adding any flavorings or spices. Please keep it simple and plain. He will love it! And just like you feed any new food introduced into your dog’s diet, consult your veterinarian first and then proceed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. In what quantity should dogs be fed?

The amount of food your dog requires is determined by various factors like life stage (puppy, adult, pregnant, or lactating), lifestyle (active versus laze), size, and other general conditions. It is advised to choose high-quality food, weigh your dog (don’t guess), and follow the package’s feeding instructions. Keep in mind that every dog is different, so you need to adjust his feeding accordingly.

  1. Can dogs be given bones to chew?

It is a big no! Don’t ever give them chicken bones to chew as they are very harmful for your dog’s body. These bones, when chewed, either get stuck in the dog’s mouth or rupture their windpipe. They can cause constipation or even diarrhea if swallowed. Round bones can get stuck in the lower jaw, and if they are swallowed, they can get stuck in the esophagus. It is advised to give only those bones which are made specifically for dogs to chew on.

  1. Can a dog get bored of eating the same food ingredients every day?

No, the dog never gets bored eating the same food item every day. For them, every day’s food is different, and you will see the same excitement every day. The main reason is that your dog has fewer taste buds than you; he does not have the same variety of tastes that you do. Sugar is a dog’s strongest sense of taste, which is why many dogs have a “sweet tooth.” Dogs like the flavor and the smell of sweet products.

Take away

“A DOG IS A MAN’S BEST FRIEND.” We all have heard this, and those who have a dog must have felt this! Aren’t they loyal, loving, and provide us with a never-ending supply of entertaining moments. Do you know your dog is only a small part of your life, but you are everything to them? You are their entire universe.

Therefore, it is very important to take care of them and ensure the health and safety of your four-legged friend.

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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