Getting a bigger butt with running

Can Running Help You Get A Bigger Butt?

Wondering what is the real deal with running and getting that perfect ‘bubble butt’ that can turn heads and make jaws drop? If you are on the mission to get

Can You Eat Peanut Shells?

Can You Eat Peanut Shells?

So what’s the deal with peanut shells: snack or sickening? Peanut shells are definitely not the first thing that comes to your mind when your stomach is growling in need

Is Alcohol Making You Cry?

Is Alcohol Making You Cry?

A few days back while watching a Sandra bullock starer comedy-drama called 28 days, I realized that movies based on Alcoholism or Alcoholic addiction are often showing the addict crying

Why Do Boxers Jump Rope?

Why Do Boxers Jump Rope?

Ever wondered that despite all the work being done by their arms and punches, why do boxers still jump rope? Jumping rope or rope-skipping has been ingrained into the sport

Side Effects of Relacore You Should Know

Side Effects of Relacore You Should Know

Any weight loss and dieting journeys are usually coupled with a lot of stress. Whether that’s the stress of what you’re going to eat that day, keeping up with your

Are Fig Newtons Healthy?

Are Fig Newtons Healthy?

While improving your eating habits, there comes a point where you have to take a closer look at your pantry and decide which items are worth keeping and which ones

Are Teeth Supposed To Be White?

Are Teeth Supposed To Be White?

The whole piano key colored teeth fiasco has been going on for years. When you meet someone for the first time, their smile is one of the first things you