Why Does My Dog Keep Staring At The Wall?

Why Does My Dog Keep Staring At The Wall?: After a tiring day at work, you’re relieved to finally spend some time with your dog and watch your favorite shows all cuddled up, but what’s disconcerting is walking into your living room to see your dog staring at the wall.

It might not readily capture your attention, but catching him indulged in the same behavior frequently will surely trigger your concerns. What’s so interesting in a plain wall that your dog is ignoring you?

Many things may be running in your mind, is my dog seeing something I can’t? Is it some kind of a trauma? Is my dog ill?

Dogs have a lot of strange habits and mannerisms that are hard to understand at first, but as time passes you will get used to their different nature and learn how they behave like they do in a specific situation.

Watching your dog staring at the wall may confuse you, but let it be known that this is not an uncommon practice for dogs since their senses are much more heightened than humans, they may see or smell things we cannot.

However it is also possible that there are certain medical reasons behind it. No matter how insignificant the symptoms may be, always ignoring them is not the preferable answer. It’s always better to be careful at first rather than being regretful at the end.

Dogs stare at the wall due to many different reasons that can be caused my mental or physical issues. It varies from pest hunting to suffering through a case of Canine Cognitive Dysfunctional Syndrome (CDS) or focal seizures. Each case needs a separate set of care tips and remedies that you should know about as a dog dad or mom, for the sake of your pup’s good health.

Pest hunting

Dog’s sense of hearing is more powerful than humans.

What tends to slip past us, unobserved, can’t easily escape these canines. You may have noticed your dog’s ears perk up even at a slight disturbance.

If you catch your dog staring into a wall it is most likely that it may be looking at pests and critters like termites, mice and ants.

It is helpful to notify you about the presence of these unwanted pests.

If the habit becomes too frequent, it is advisable to call for an exterminator so the pests could be eliminated and won’t cause any damage to your home.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunctional Syndrome (CDS)

If your dog has been around for long and is now seen indulged in staring down walls. It is possible that he must be suffering through a Canine Cognitive Dysfunctional Syndrome. It is similar to Alzheimer’s decease in people and as of lately is becoming more and more common in dogs if they live longer than the average life span.

Cognitive function refers to multiple mental abilities such as thinking, remembering etc. Dogs suffering from CDS face a decline in their cognitive functions. About twenty-eight percent of the senior canines who age 11-12 years have CDS.

Dogs suffering from CDS get detached and disoriented from their surroundings. They start acting in a peculiar way, you may often catch them staring into a wall.

Some symptoms of CDS can show up in an early stage which leads to misdiagnosis, veterans try to rule out the most common symptoms first to make diagnosis easier.

So if your dog is staring at the wall, it might not be termites but instead an outcome of aging.

There are many ways to deal with CDS. First of all take your dog to the vet for a proper diagnosis. Once the checkup and diagnosis is complete, your vet with recommend increased mental stimulation for your dog through play and exercise along with an antioxidant-rich diet.

Your vet may also help you deal with symptoms other than staring at the wall. They may suggest medication for your dog to sleep better and manage its anxiety, alongside various strategies for coping with changes in behavior and house soiling.

Focal seizures

Seizures can lead to both dramatic and non-dramatic symptoms, ranging from froth accumulation in the mouth to staring at a wall.

Staring at the wall is particularly a symptom of a ‘focal seizure’. It is also known as a partial seizure.

The causes of such seizures are various in types, from cancer to epilepsy. Since these seizures are hard to diagnose, they are often ignored.

However, if you find your dog staring at the wall, ignoring your attempts to capture his attention, contacting a veterinarian for professional advice may be the best option.

Attention seeking

Dogs are possessive, affection thirsty canines, especially from their owners.

If for some reason you have been unable to spend your normal time with your dog, or if he is unsatisfied with the number of cuddles that day, he may opt for such peculiar measures to capture your attention.

If he responds to your advances quickly enough during his stare competition with the wall, worry not, for he just wants some extra love!

It is advised to spend more time with him than you normally do, feed him his favorite snacks and play his favorite games to make him happy.


Head pressing is a very commonly induced behavior in dogs, it involves them standing very close to the wall, staring at it while keeping their head close to it.

As odd as it may sound, this condition indicated organ damage, particularly the liver.

Problems in liver can produce high amounts of ammonia in dogs, leading to intoxication of the brain, encouraging such strange and peculiar behaviors.

Like other conditions, this one is also confirmed by a vet. Only under proper medical tests can you confirm your dog’s situation so a trip to the veterinary clinic is a must on your to-do-list.

Compulsive behavior

Staring at the wall is not always harmful or a symptom of any disease. Sometimes when dogs are under-stimulated or bored, they adopt such compulsive behaviors as a reflex method.

You may want to think about addressing the underlying cause of the compulsive staring. Consider playing with your dog more or giving them some ways to stay occupied throughout the day.

If stress is to blame, address the trigger so that your dog can live more comfortably. You can consult with your vet for tips or go to a behavioral trainer.

Miscellaneous conditions

There are some other conditions your dig may be suffering with, including depression, a brain condition known as pros encephalon disease, problems with its balance due to vestibular disease, or even one of several very rare diseases that dogs sometimes get.

Every dog condition has a number of symptoms. Staring at a wall or ceiling is a symptom of many of these conditions, so only a vet is able to distinguish and analyze why your dog is doing this in the first place.

Whether your dog needs medication or specialized treatment, your vet will make sure your dog gets it, and it will leave you with the peace of mind you need and deserve as a pet parent.

Are dogs seeing ghosts?

Internet is the home to many fascinating stories supporting paranormal activity under little to no basis.

Dogs have heightened senses, so many people speculate if they can see hear or smell entities that we can’t.

Ghosts readily come to mind but the answer is short and clear, “no.”

Ghosts are definitely not the reason encouraging your dog’s weird habit, so it’s better and wiser to take that off your list and save your time and energy and look into other possible situations that are based on a firmer ground and can affect your dog’s health in the near future.

If you are still convinced  otherwise, why not look into a ghost hunting camera?

What to do if your dog is staring at the wall?

If you notice this strange behavior in your dog, the first and foremost step is to not panic. If your mind is stressed you won’t be able to handle the situation wisely and may end up lost even in the most simple of cases. Observe your dog closely, keep a track of its habits to notice anything unfamiliar.

If your dog is staring at the wall, take a mental note of the conditions in front of you. Most of the times, the situation is innocent and you have nothing to worry about. Your dog is either fascinated by pests or wants your attention.

Depression and boredom often prompts these canines to stare at the walls as a compulsive behavior. You can find different activities and plays for your dog to keep it occupied and prevent it from adopting these disconcerting habits.

However if your dog is aged or you’ve noticed a decline in its health and eating habits, planning a trip to the vet is a must. There are several possible diagnosis if your dog is staring at the wall, hence it is better to base it on professional and medical grounds so the appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible if the situation is serious.

Fortunately, most of these ailments can be slowed down or controlled if caught early, which is why a comprehensive medical exam is what your dog should receive first if it’s exhibiting any of these behaviors.


Keeping a dog as a pet comes with its perks and drawbacks. Where your cute fluff ball exudes nothing but warmth and affection, putting a constant smile on your face, it also demands you to be more diligent and observant of its habits incase anything goes wrong. Understanding the nature of your canine pet is very essential to provide it with appropriate living conditions. You have to keep yourself notified at all times to notice the slightest change in habits.

Some self-research will help you keep your nerves calm is something out of the blue happens. Most of the times, it won’t be anything serious, just your dog playing around but the other times proper medical attention is required to diagnose the problem, if there is any. It is better to get the treatment started to prevent the disease from worsening and keeping your dog safe and healthy.