Can Dogs Eat Persimmons?

Can Dogs Eat Persimmons?: If you are torn between whether you should feed your pooch persimmons or not, the simplest answer would be, yes you can. But, caution is necessary. Dogs are omnivores and would eat anything that tickles their fancy but that does not mean you should let them. Ingestion of seeds and pits of persimmons could be a prologue to some hazard.

Seeds and pits of permission are hazardous for dogs but before we get into if it safe for your dog to eat persimmon or not, let’s talk about what exactly are persimmons?

Persimmons are also known as a fall fruit, are easily confused with a tomato. It tastes like honey but is actually a berry. Persimmons grow on the tree genus Diospyros. They range in height from 0.6 inches up to 3.5 inches. In Asia, they are grown and there are two primary forms, Fuyu and Hachiya.

They are uniquely shaped and have varying tastes. Hachiya is heart-shaped, pale, or acorn-shaped. Fuyu is orange and has a tomato-like shape.

When they are fluffy and mature, humans enjoy eating persimmons, frying them, and drying the fruit.

So are persimmons edible for dogs?


Persimmons are actually full of nutrients, fiber, and vitamins. Persimmons provide your doggo with a litany of advantages like better eyesight, improved immunity to diseases, better development that too with a taste that your doggo craves. In addition, certain fruits and fruit pits are poisonous and unsafe for pets.

Persimmons have a seed or pit in the center, like other members of the berry family, which can be particularly harmful to your puppy. So yes, your pooch can have persimmons but with proper and in moderation.

Health benefits of persimmons for your dog:

Persimmons are a nutritious yet tasty treat for your doggo there’s no doubt that, if fed in moderation it could be a very scrumptious yet healthy for your dogs, as dogs love persimmons because of their vibrant colour and their peculiar smell.

Fiber-rich diet

Persimmon is very fiber-rich. If you wish to improve fibre consumption, it may be a good addition to your dog’s diet. Besides, some extra fibre may help your dog lose weight if your beloved pet is obese. In comparison, if your dog suffers from diabetes, the fibre in a cake will make your dog feel fuller and help to relieve their cravings.

Fibre will help speed up your dog’s bowel movement and help it to get out of constipation. Persimmon is also anti-cancerous, among other incredible advantages and properties. A perfect way to hold this illness at bay is by feeding the dog persimmon during the fall season when many dogs appear to die from cancer.

High calorie treats

Persimmons are fruits that are low-fat but appear to be high calorie. At least 800 calories a day is needed for a dog weighing 30 pounds. A deficiency in calories will make your dog feel sluggish and discourage him from engaging in any activity. Giving your dog persimmon will give this a burst of energy. This fruit is a healthy way of satisfying your pet’s daily calorie needs.

Vitamin D

A number of antioxidant compounds are pumped into the persimmon fruit. It is important for the wellbeing of your dog to eat antioxidant foods. It helps to decrease the number of free radicals that would render your dog unhealthy and also preserve the well-being of your dog.

Vitamin C

is an amazing antioxidant for your little best buddy who will do wonders. Persimmon fruit contains exactly the right amount of vitamin C. This substance from the system of your dog helps rid of all unhealthy radicals and keeps your dog safe and fit.


A persimmon is filled with vitamin A. Vitamin A is a vitamin that contains a lot of amazing advantages that are fat-soluble. Vitamin A helps foetal development well, serves as a catalyst for the immune system, and promotes safe growth as well. To boost your pet’s eyesight, vitamin A is a perfect nutrient. It will help prevent your dog from having night vision blindness, for example.

Other vitamins

Persimmon provides vitamin B in incredible quantities, which will do miracles for the health of your puppy. Vitamin B, which is one of its main advantages, helps transform carbohydrates into electricity. In addition, it assists in red blood cell production and facilitates protein synthesis.

Vitamin D generally referred to as the ‘sunshine vitamin,’ is present in substantial quantities in the persimmon fruit. In order to work effectively, humans, dogs, as well as all other living species need Vitamin D. For the proper growth of its bones and muscles, your dog deserves vitamin D.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin present in large quantities in persimmon. This vitamin produces and preserves stable cells and agrees to be metabolised efficiently.

There are also small levels of Vitamin K in persimmon fruit. This is essential for your dog as it can greatly enhance the wound-healing. Apart from the aforementioned nutrients, persimmons are still harbouring so much.

Potassium, Manganese, Copper, Phosphorous, Lycopen, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Beta-carotene, Folic acid, and many others are some of the nutrients that are found in trace amounts. Considering the benefits persimmons have it is definitely a healthy treat for your furball.

Persimmons Related Hazards

Persimmon itself, as fruit is rather healthy for your dog the primary culprits that cause all the hazards are the seeds and pits. Here, we have explained some mishaps that could transpire:

Choking hazard

Persimmons are relatively large fruits thus have bigger seeds. Unlike peaches and apples, persimmon seeds are not toxic to dogs. Although, the seed of a persimmon could be as big as a button and could lead to your dog choking if swallowed.

If you let your doggo devour seeds and pits, it might also lead him to develop intestinal obstruction. So if your dog is spreading his wings to devour the entire fruit, you must not allow him to.


Just in case your dog has eaten a whole persimmon with seeds or pits it may cause an obstruction and lead to an inflammatory bowel in your dog. That would ultimately cause distention and bloating. If this condition persists it could even lead to perforation and could even be fatal.


The fact that they are a natural laxative is one of the largest issues with persimmons. Although they may not hurt your puppy, they may be the source of your dog’s diarrhoea. Small dogs must be well supervised and more than a few bites of persimmon should not be permitted, whereas medium-breed dogs ought to have one or two persimmons per serving.

Avoid serving persimmon to the pooch and contact your doctor if you notice diarrhea.

Precautionary measures while feeding persimmons to your dog:

Although feeding your dog can prove to be quite healthy but you must practice caution if you don’t want your dog to suffer through the pain. Seeds and pits are the parts that you need to remove before feeding your dog. The seeds can cause your dog to choke, it may also lead to obstructing bowel obstruction. Bowel obstruction may escalate to perforation and could cause your dog immense pain.

Another key concern for persimmons is its ability to act as a natural laxative. While the delicious fruit does not inflict your puppy any immediate pain, excessive of this fruit may cause diarrhoea for your pet.

It is advised that small-sized dogs eat only a few tiny bites of persimmon. In addition, it is possible for small to big dogs to have at least one to two meals. If you note your dog is having diarrhoea, though, stop feeding the fruit to your pet entirely and try better replacements and alternatives.

Safe amount of persimmons for your dog:

Unlike most human foods, persimmons are not toxic to dogs. Yet they could cause some serious problems if consumed out of the safe limit. Persimmons are safe for your dog but only in moderation.

You shouldn’t make this fruit a part of the dog’s regular diet ad must only be used as a treat for your dog. Small breeds like Chihuahua, Brussels, etc. should only be fed no more than half a fruit. While large breeds like German shepherds or Pitbulls can have pieces or two. If you have a persimmon tree on your porch you might need to keep an eye on your furball as dogs love to munch.

When to stop feeding persimmons?

Persimmons in small quantities are neither toxic nor harmful for your dog but, there is a limit to how many persimmons your dog is allowed to have, if you observe the below-mentioned symptoms in your dog, you must immediately discontinue and consult your vet.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite
  • lethargy

Final words

The answer to can dog can persimmons or not is YES, they can eat persimmons but the keys are our caution and moderation. You must remove seeds and pits before feeding your dog the fruit. You also need to keep the amount you feed our pooch in check. Persimmons fed in excess can be a prologue to unwanted dietary problems.

If you can stick by these protocols, it is safe to say that persimmon is nothing but a scrumptious yet healthy treat for your furball.