Can Dogs Eat Balsamic Vinegar?

Can Dogs Eat Balsamic Vinegar?: Balsamic vinegar, just like many other human foods holds a questionable reputation in dog parents’ household. Dogs are omnivorous creatures with a knack to eat everything that you eat.

The simplest answer to, having balsamic vinegar in the diet of your dog would be, NO, dogs can not have balsamic vinegar. Balsamic vinegar is rather addictive to dogs and even tiny nibbles now and then will leave your dog wanting for more. Dogs are curious creatures and will start asking for more, balsamic vinegar is acidic by nature. Dogs have a highly sensitive stomach and balsamic vinegar can seriously harm your pooch’s stomach.

What is balsamic vinegar actually?

In only two areas of northern Italy, traditional balsamic vinegar is made. White grapes are cooked and fermented for weeks to prepare balsamic vinegar. Bacteria are added to expedite the fermentation. After the balsamic vinegar is ready, it is packed in twelve wooden containers.

A DOP stamp includes the original balsamic vinegar, which shows both its origin and consistency. The older your balsamic vinegar is, the more pricey it will be, much like wine. Not everyone can buy balsamic vinegar, alas. Therefore, the marketplace is available with cheaper variants.

Artificial sweeteners and paints include these cheaper varieties of vinegar, making them much more harmful for your four-legged friends. There is only one ingredient of the first balsamic vinegar-grape. Grapes are toxic in vast quantities and can be highly acidic for your puppy.

Dog’s health risks associated with balsamic vinegar:

Unlike other human foods that are harmful to dogs, balsamic vinegar has absolutely none nutritional value. Balsamic vinegar is produced from grapes. Grapes, being acidic leads to a negative reaction in dogs.

Lead poisoning

Lead is a poisonous metal harmful to both men and dogs, balsamic vinegar possesses ample amounts of lead, consumption in greater quantities can be a prologue to lead poisoning. Lead in excess quantities seems to affect the nervous and gastrointestinal systems of dogs.

Lead poisoning in pregnant dogs can induce congenital anomalies in newborn pups. Lead poisoning could prove to be fatal, if not treated on time. You need to keep a meticulous eye on your furball’s health and consult your vet if you observe any signs or symptoms related to lead poisoning.

Signs and symptoms related to lead poisoning:

  • diarrhea
  • abdominal pain
  • lack of appetite
  • weight loss
  • muscle tremor
  • extreme thirst
  • dyspnea ( shortness of breath)
  • lethargy
  • deafness (rare)
  • blindness (rare)

Grape poisoning:

Grapes are the primary ingredient in balsamic vinegar. Grapes are not that harmful when eaten in small quantities. However, grapes can be harmful to the wellbeing of your dog when eaten in bulk (32 g approx.) They are poisonous to dogs, both grapes and raisins, and can also cause acute kidney failure.

The manner your dog urinates is also influenced by the toxicity of grapes and raisins. However, whether they are fed grapes or raisins, not every dog responds the same way. Below are some of the most prominent signs of grape and raisin poisoning in dogs:

  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • lethargy
  • bad breath
  • coma
  • diarrhea
  • dehydration
  • seizures
  • anxiety

Management of toxicity:

If your pooch has ingested balsamic vinegar and is suffering from toxicity, your best bet is to induce vomiting before the toxins are absorbed by the gut. If the toxins have been absorbed and transported to blood, only vomiting might be sufficient. Given below are few signs about how you can assess the situation of your pooch yourself:

  • Is your dog unconscious?
  • What has your dog slipped past your gaze?
  • Is your dog suffering from dyspnea? ( trouble breathing or excessive panting)

When the dog has thrown up twice, make sure that it should not throw up again. If vomiting doesn’t improve, it is best to call the vet. If you are asked by the veterinarian to cause vomiting at home, follow the procedure listed below.

If the dog has not eaten enough for a day or two, the food you have may make it sick. Give some food to it, and if the dog is sick, it can just throw up when it is seen.

You should also squirt 45 ml of hydrogen peroxide into the back of the mouth of your dog using a syringe. Surely, this would make the dog throw up. Repeat the process with the same amount of hydrogen peroxide if it doesn’t.

Kidney failure associated with balsamic vinegar:

This will cause cells inside the kidneys to become infected if the kidneys are poisoned. When the dog drinks medications or toxins, this will happen.

In kidney failure associated with balsamic vinegar kidney activity will abruptly decrease. This is referred to as acute renal dysfunction and is typically associated with toxin consumption or infection contracting.

Signs and symptoms

If not treated properly, kidney failure could prove to be excruciatingly painful and even lethal for your dog. You need to keep a keen eye on the signs and symptoms of kidney failure given below:

  • Lethargy.
  • Significant weight loss.
  • Pale gum.
  • The fruity smell in breath
  • Vomiting.
  • Increase/decrease in water intake.
  • Increase/decrease in urine volume.
  • Drunken behaviour/disturbed gait.

Treatment and management

Just like many other diseases, treatment of kidney failure depends upon the severity and time period. In lieu of chronic kidney failure, acute kidney failure is more lethal, and intensive care may be required. In milder cases, treatment with antibiotics, fluid restoration, and an outpatient approach may get the job done. Although costly, dialysis could also be very helpful.

Chronic poisoning is mostly dealt with changes in diet and lifestyle and suitable medication for fluid imbalances, nausea, and flatulence in blood pressure. Your veterinarian may also recommend a therapeutic diet, nutritional supplements, or specific nutrients to manage the condition.  

GI disturbances associated with balsamic vinegar:

Balsamic vinegar has an acidic pH and is not dog friendly and could lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract i.e. dysphagia, acid reflux, upset stomach, etc.

Disturbed stomach:

Interpreting the signs and symptoms of upset is a rather difficult job. Stomach related disorders deteriorate with time and delay in treatments can worsen the issue. Below, we have listed a few of the signs so you could save your precious time and save your pooch from agony;

  • Excess gas
  • Excessive thirst and burping
  • Impaired appetite
  • Abnormal gut sounds
  • Eating grass/plants
  • Bad breath

If not treated timely this could lead to an escalation of the situation that is presented with

  • Sudden onset of vomiting
  • Hematemesis (blood in vomit)
  • Yellow greenish vomiting
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Gastritis, leading to hematochezia (bloody stools)


Most of the time an upset stomach is treated on itself with time, you need t take care of his diet and keep plenty of water available at all times.

The first thing you need to do is find out what over the last few days your dog has been munching on. Some food items, including those containing balsamic vinegar, are not acceptable for dogs. If food containing balsamic vinegar is eaten in vast quantities, it will affect the health of your dog. Besides, in dogs, an upset stomach is also a symptom of ageing. An old dog’s digestive tract isn’t as good as that of a younger one.

When your dog has a disturbed stomach, the only thing you can do is, at least for a time, not feed your dog at all. However, make sure to give them something clear and bland when you begin feeding your pooch again. Want to have the diet you have cooked instead of canned dog food for them. Nice alternatives are shredded boiled chicken and boiled rice, too.

Be certain that your dog’s diet does not involve any fat or vinegar. Many of the dogs’ more acidic elements contain onion and garlic. Oatmeal is an impressive option to consider with an irritated stomach. Oatmeal relaxes the stomach of your dog and gives them the proper mix of minerals and fibre that is important to the gastrointestinal well-being of your dog.

Try to stick to lighter diets until the dog’s appetite isn’t agitated. Try to combine the dog’s meals with some good probiotics. By keeping the bacterial equilibrium inside, these probiotics keep the gut of your dog healthy.

Occasionally, they prefer to eat hay while dogs are sick. Let them eat it if you see your dog chewing grass since that relieves the pain that your dog experiences. If, even after 24 hours, the signs of a disturbed stomach do not go away, make sure to visit the vet. The stomach condition could escalate if these symptoms don’t go down, leading to anaemia, vomiting, weight loss, and fever.

Acidity related to balsamic vinegar:

Acidity, dyspepsia, or acid reflux is seen when there is a pH imbalance in the stomach. Balsamic vinegar, having pH below 7 disrupts the pH balance in the stomach leaving your furball with a feeling of heartburn and nausea. Acidity can be quite uncomfortable yet unfortunately, dogs are just not capable of expressing how they feel.

So to comprehend your dog better, we have listed down some signs and symptoms associated with acidity in your pooch:

  • Excessive burping after a meal
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lethargy (your dog may lie down instead of playing)
  • Quietness
  • Vomiting
  • Your dog may lick various objects around him to relieve the nauseous feeling.

Treating a dog with acidity

Acidity is not a life-threatening condition but it may cause your pooch immeasurable discomfort. Here are some of the basic home remedy that you can try to relieve your dog of heartburn

  • Keep your dog on a simpler diet for a day or two.
  • Try not feeding your dog for some time.
  • Feed gastrointestinal prokinetic agents to your dog if the vet approves it. These drugs support the flow of food in the intestines of your dog. They also reinforce the muscles of the sphincter, which are discovered in the direction of your dog’s stomach opening.

Substitute for balsamic vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a great substitute for balsamic vinegar and isn’t as harmful as balsamic vinegar but rather hold holds some nutritional value to it. Apple cider vinegar is a great way to aid the digestion of your furball.

Apple cider holds some peculiar insecticide properties, slipping a few drops of it in your dog’s drinking water will get rid of fleas and ticks and might also help in maintaining a healthier and shinier coat.

Apple cider vinegar is a potent treatment for diseases of the urinary tract. However, assess the pH level in the urine of your dog before using this as a cure. If your dog’s urine has a ph rating of 7, you should move on with vinegar therapy. However, offering them vinegar will only make the situation worse if the pH level is less than seven.


By far you must have an idea about how detrimental balsamic vinegar is to your dog’s health. Dogs are curious creatures and will get their snoot in anything they fancy. Under no circumstances should you allow your dog to have balsamic vinegar. Your job is to keep a keen eye on your furball.

You must be careful if you find any of the aforementioned symptoms in your dog. Apple cider vinegar can be a great substitute only if used in moderation.