7 Best At-Home Laser Hair Removal Devices

7 Best At-Home Laser Hair Removal Devices: Has waking up 30 minutes earlier every day just to shave become too tiresome? Or is waxing for hours on end, only to reveal strawberry legs and red bumps getting way too frustrating? We thought so! Luckily, at-home laser hair removal products are here to save the day! The best at-home laser hair removal products will not only eliminate the need for shaving but also leave your skin smooth and bumps free!

Once your treatment is complete, you’ll be walking around hair-free and carefree for months, until the time for touch-ups comes around!

Even when compared with professional treatments, at-home products are a lot more beneficial and cost-effective in the long run.

Because, even though the professionals might greatly reduce your body hair maintenance routine, they also tend to wipe your bank balance clean while they’re at it!

On the other hand, since you only have to purchase the hair removal devices once, it saves you the trouble of cashing expensive cheques to your laser hair removal doctor every other week!

It does take longer to produce the desired results with at-home products than the professional treatments because these products use IPL technology which is weaker than a professional laser.

But rest assured, it’s well worth the wait!

Our list of the best at-home laser hair removals

laser hair removed skin woman

The trickiest part about trying to find the perfect laser hair removal device is finding one that’s compatible with your skin tone and hair color.

Most devices work best with fair skin and darker hair. However lighter hair color (blonde, white, grey, and red) finds it harder to absorb the heat from the machine, making the treatment ineffective.

Dark skin, on the other hand, runs the risk of accidentally absorbing heat that’s meant for the hair follicles and burning.

Keeping this in mind, after extensive research, we’ve found products that are not only highly effective but also suitable for medium-dark skin tones and lighter hair!

BioSidin Painless Permanent Hair Removal Device

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This device is very effective when it comes to reducing hair growth right from the very first treatment. This is because it combines the best of both laser and IPL technologies, while other devices use only one of the two.

It’s equipped with 6 preset smart hair removal modes: face, arms, legs, underarms, bikini line, and SR.

This makes the hair removal process very accurate and easy for each body part when compared to other products which usually come with only 2 modes, for your body and face.

Along with removing your hair, the SR mode rejuvenates your skin with collagen and improves facial elasticity.

Not only is the hair removal experience highly efficient because of the advanced tech but it’s also safe and painless. This is because BioSidin uses MFCPT and a cooling system.

MFCPT focuses the heat on just the hair root and prevents any possible damage to the surrounding skin.

A dynamic cooling system ensures that your skin’s surface temperature is maintained at 5 degrees which eliminates pain during the treatment. So feel free to toss away your numbing creams!

Additionally, to ensure that you can easily reach the hair on all parts of your body, the head of the device is capable of a 180- degree rotation.

BioSidin is compatible with all hair types (men and women), however, with lighter hair colors you’re going to need to extend your treatment plan.

Keep in mind, the hair length of lighter hair needs to be shorter than 2 inches for the device to work.

Remington IPL65000QFB iLight Ultra

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The Remington IPL65000QFB comes with a professional-grade technology that provides the feel of a salon treatment, at home.

It’s capable of full body hair removal from your face and body to bikini line and underarms.

With its use limited to light or medium skin toned people with dark hair, it comes with a skin tone safety check to ensure that the product is safe to use for your particular color. If not, the device stays locked.

It originally comes with 65,000 flashes, which will last you about 25 to 30 full-body treatments.

There are 2 different sized caps provided for your body and face instead of just one fixed lens cap. These caps have the largest surface when compared to other products.

The large cap size might affect the precision and accuracy of the treatment in areas like underarms, but definitely makes the hair removal process super fast and breezy!

It’s a corded device but the cord is pretty long which makes it easier to maneuver it around your body while working.

Users with sensitive skin have reported experiencing pain while using this device to clear out their bikini line.

To avoid that, it’s highly recommended to shave (closely) first and then use a numbing cream before starting the treatment.

In addition to that, watch out for the lens getting too hot at times!

The high quality of this product makes it pricey, however, if you’re looking for a similar but slightly cheaper alternative by the same brand; try the Remington iLIGHT Pro Plus Quartz Hair Removal System.

There are 2 main differences between the two. The Pro Plus model only has 30,000 flashes instead of  65,000 and is only intended for body hair removal, not facial.

Philips Lumea BR1956

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This is only Lumea product that comes with 4 separate attachments for your face, bikini, underarms, and body, which allows you to accurately treat each part of your body with the respective attachment.

It’s is a relatively quick treatment since you can use the gliding motion to move the device along your skin without having to lift again and again for each area of your skin.

Even though it’s an IPL treatment (which tends to be slower), users have reported seeing significant results after only a few treatments!

Since it comes with a battery and a cord, you could either charge it or plug it in and use it; however, the battery does run out pretty fast.

Even though the cartridge is irreplaceable, it comes with enough flashes to last you about 20 years’ worth of treatments!

Again, a very similar but cheaper alternative to this product is the Lumea Comfort IPL Hair Removal System; however, its use is limited to fair skin.

Unlike the Lumea comfort, Lumea BR1956 offers a wider range of skin tone compatibility (suitable for a darker skin tone of type V).

Similar to the Remington, it comes with a sensor that checks your skin tone to see if it’s compatible with the device and then recommends the best intensity level for your body.

A fun bonus with this device comes in the form of an app that allows you to keep track of your treatments.

LumaRX Hair Removal

LumaRX Hair Removal

This is another great professional-grade option. Clinically tested and FDA approved, the LumaRX uses IPL technology to target the hair and prevent its growth.

It sports a comfort filter that filters out the harmful UV rays and infrared energy to ensure minimum damage to your skin for a safe, effective, and comfortable facial and body hair removal.

This corded device has 2 interchangeable caps for body and face, a skin tone safety check, and comes with 60,000 flashes per cartridge (that is replaceable btw), which can last you about 50 full-body treatments!

With fair skin and dark hair, there’s a significant reduction in hair after the first 3 months of use. Unfortunately, this does not work on dark skin or lighter hair.

The device offers 5 energy levels, allowing you to pick the intensity of zaps according to your hair type and pain tolerance.

It’s always recommended to start at the lowest intensity level for the first treatment and work your way up to the highest (or whatever you’re comfortable with), with each successive treatment.

Silk’n Infinity

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Working with IPL technology and galvanic energy, this machine first opens up the pores and then zaps them with intense pulsed light (IPL). This tech works especially great for coarse hair!

Since IPL technology is weaker than laser, permanent results can take as long as 8 months to show up.

Each zap makes use of a single flash but since this machine comes with 400,000 flashes, you won’t have to worry about buying a new cartridge any time soon!

It works to remove hair on all parts of your body, including your face. However, facial hair removal is limited to areas below the cheekbones only.

The machine will not work unless its lens and your skin are perfectly aligned, so if you’re having trouble with hair removal on your face, simply try moving your jaw a little until you hear the pop sound.

This product claims to be compatible with fair to medium-dark skin tones and almost all hair colors. However, it won’t work with white/ grey hair present on a very dark skin tone.

It comes with 5 intensity levels, for different skin tones and can be used by either a gliding or pulsing method depending on what you’re comfortable with.

The pre-treatment research work takes longer since the manual of this machine is very wordy instead of including more diagrams, and takes a while to get through and figure out your treatment plan.

For the most effective treatment, use the device on clean, freshly shaven skin.

During the treatment, stay well away from plucking, waxing, tweezing, etc- basically any hair removal method that removes the hair follicle from its root because that will prevent the treatment from working in that spot.

Silk’n Flash & Go

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This FDA approved model has similar features to the Silk’n Infinity but works best for coarse hair on lighter skin. This is also a more affordable model!

It’s a corded device with a replaceable cartridge. However, since each cartridge comes with just 5000 flashes it will only last up to 2 or 3 full-body sessions.

After that, get ready to whip out your credit card and buy a replacement!

Similarly to Silk’n Infinity, it uses IPL technology and sports a skin tone sensor that will check if your skin tone is compatible with the device or not before starting up.

Its compact nature makes it very easy to just chug in a bag and pull out for treatment after a clean shave even when you’re traveling.

You’ll know the device is working when you hear a pop sound and feel a minor shock upon zapping.

Since it’s a smaller device, it is time-consuming to cover larger areas like the legs. And if you accidentally happen to go over the same area twice, it makes double zapping a very real (and painful) possibility. Ouch!

CosBeauty IPL Permanent Hair Removal System

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One of the more affordable FDA approved options; CosBeauty is suitable for the body, face, and bikini line.

Using IPL tech, this allows for very quick hair removal while offering skin rejuvenation and acne clearance wave properties. Talk about a healthy glow!

It comes with a storage box and a pair of protective glasses to shield your eyes against the energy rays.

Similar to most of the products mentioned in this article, it comes with 5 energy levels and a smart skin sensor.

There are 100,000 flashes available, which can be repurchased in a replacement lamp if you run out. A digital screen on the device displays the battery and the number of flashes left.

The machine’s zapping might feel like a rubber band being snapped against your skin and may even produce some heat but it promises good results, even for women with PCOS.

To sum it up:

It’s no surprise that the best product from the list is the BioSidin Painless Permanent Hair Removal Device with its incredibly advanced and innovative features!

However, LumaRX Full Body Hair Removal System, Philips Lumea BR1956 Prestige IPL, and the Remington IPL65000QFB iLight Ultra do rank as close seconds because of their professional-grade quality.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more cost-efficient with effective results, try the CosBeauty IPL Permanent Hair Removal System.

Good luck shopping and happy zapping!

Written By Isabella

Isabella Martinez, your go-to relationship advisor and creator of Life Falcon. I love diving into love, life, and star signs, sharing helpful tips and interesting thoughts with you.

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